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  1. N941WR

    Bugs and Knob Panel

    I use the SV's knob set to vertical speed and use the knob panel for all the rest. As dlloyd mentioned, it would be nice to have the option to configure what is displayed on the knob(s). In my case, I would probably leave VS and MDA.
  2. N941WR

    E/P-Mag Timing Data on Dynon EMS products

    Last year we spoke with Dynon's management about creating a module of our EICommander to feed P-mag information to the SkyView systems.  (Timing divergence, current firing angle, coil pack data, and to customize the configuration when the engine isn't running.) Unfortunately, it didn't go...
  3. N941WR


    I haven't flown since this happened but I have powered up the SkyView more than a few times since this happened, all without an issue. I did grab the dump this evening, if it will help, let me know and I'll send it on.
  4. N941WR

    ADHARS Failure

    I originally posted this on Kurt's thread but got no response so I thought I would post it to its own thread. Any thoughts on why this happened?
  5. N941WR


    Dynon, do you have any comment on my post above?
  6. N941WR


    Last weekend I landed, shut the plane down, powered down my SkyView with dual ADHARS, and put it in the hangar. About an hour later I turned on my master to get the hobbs reading and was greeted with both an AHDARS and EMS Fail messages and big X's over both. Turning off the master had no...
  7. N941WR

    Auto fuel flow calibration

    Since we are supposed to calibrate our fuel tanks before the first flight, can you add a routine to adjust the fuel flow calibration based on fuel the system thinks I used and the fuel I entered? Of course, this assumes I fill the tanks every time. Thus the pilot must be asked if they filled...
  8. N941WR

    Low Speed Warning

    It would be nice if Dynon would release a small pressure sensor that could be mounted out on the wing and just wires run back to the EFIS of choice. Wires are usually easier to run than installing a second pressure line. Heck, then you could put the Pitot and AoA sensors in the wing and...
  9. N941WR

    v15.0.2 findings

    I may have missed this but when flying with the HITS up, I flew out of the top and there were no direction arrows to tell me which way to move to get back to the HITS.
  10. N941WR

    Request for SkyView Slave EMS Display

    Louis, That is a great idea and may work for people with limited panel space. However, as you said, it would be nice if it was supported.
  11. N941WR

    "Airspeed High"

    Lawrence, Thank you for the quick reply. I think my issue is that the onset of the pull-up is pretty abrupt, while the overall G loading is probably the 1.5G you mentioned. Is there anyway you can slow down the G onset, which is rather abrupt. Abrupt enough it feels like something is going...
  12. N941WR

    "Airspeed High"

    When flying with the SkyView AP engaged and pointing the nose downhill (-500 FPM), my airspeed can approach the "Yellow arch", which is well below the TAS Vne. When this happens, I get the ""Airspeed High" alert and the AP pitches up very abruptly, much more than manual would indicate. Is it...
  13. N941WR

    Auto Chart Updates

    I think you two misunderstand my request. I would like the SV to ask if it should perform a chart update, if the current charts are on the USB drive. Just like today, you would get a warning message that your current charts are out of date then a question asking if you would like to perform the...
  14. N941WR

    Auto Chart Updates

    I've been really good about keeping my charts updated but it drives me crazy that I insert a USB drive in the slot, power up the SkyView, it goes through its routine, and tells me that my charts are out of date. Why can't it check the USB to see if there is a chart on it that should be...
  15. N941WR

    Request for SkyView Slave EMS Display

    Forget cutting up the existing SkyView screen by reducing the EMS section. Why not take your existing hardware and create a simply EMS display using the D10 screen? The SV-EMS display would have not function buttons and would be a simple display, nothing more. All the buttons and functions...
  16. N941WR

    Request for 5% Wide EMS Screen!!!!

    How about designing a small screen that can be put on the Bus that only displays the engine instruments? Say use the D1 screen? Then we can use the SV for a split screen display.
  17. N941WR

    The New SkyView - Featuring SkyView Touch

    OK, I see in the updated manual this is not available in this release but will it be available in a future release? This would be a big deal for those with a single screen.
  18. N941WR


    Thanks for the tip. I just reread the manual and will play with it this weekend wherevi hope to fly 11 hours, if the weather is good.
  19. N941WR

    The New SkyView - Featuring SkyView Touch

    Is there any chance the new software will allow me to display the EMS data in a strip along the bottom and split the other two screens above it in 50/50, 33/66, and 66/33 format? That would be great for us single screen users!
  20. N941WR

    Talking G Meter

    Exactly the question I asked. The answer was that without looking down, they can tell how many G's they are pulling. Since the G's are not instantaneous, they know what they are pulling when playing chase or pulling up into a loop. Just to be clear, this feature is more for the SV than the...