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  1. N941WR

    Talking G Meter

    While talking with a group of pilots over the weekend about the SV and its built-in G meter, one of the pilots asked if the G meter could call out the G’s, when above a set threshold. For example; “Two G’s”, “Three G’s”, "Four G's", etc. That way they will know they are getting close to the...
  2. N941WR

    Whats next

    With release 10, will we be able to display the engine instruments on a ribbon along the bottom of the screen and then display the EFIS and moving map above it?
  3. N941WR

    SkyView Flight Planning Suggestions

    In searching this forum, I noticed some flight planning suggestions scattered through various posts/threads. I would like to try and consolidate some of them on this dedicated Flight Planning thread. I realize some of these might be under development. Here are my suggestions: 1. Once the...
  4. N941WR


    Sorry for not being specific. I was talking about the countdown timer. While you are putting in the case, can you add a “latch” to allow me to set the timer to start on engine startup? (I haven’t played with the fuel timers enough but that would be a great option for them as well.) Bill
  5. N941WR


    When my timer expires, I simply restart it but to clear the warning message, I have to look at the warning. Shouldn't the SV remove the warning when I restart the timer? After all, that is an acknowledgement.
  6. N941WR

    Wish List.

    And make it "certified" so we can use it for legal IFR flight.
  7. N941WR

    Talking G Meter

    A number of the guys I fly with have D100 and D180's. After mentioning that SkyView gives a verbal warning when the G's build, they asked if you could add a audio warning of high G loads that they can set at a threshold of their choosing. (Typically 4 G's.) They would also like to have the...
  8. N941WR

    True Airspeed Alarm(s)

    My aircraft's VNe is defined by True Airspeed (TAS), not indicated airspeed. Since this is as important as the stall speed, could you add an alarm to TAS for those who have the OAT probe installed? I would like to see a warning at five (knots or mph) below the TAS VNe and an alarm at the TAS VNe.
  9. N941WR

    Angle of attack

    Any chance you will come out with a small, remote mountable, AOA screen? I have always found the location of the current AOA indicator to be less than useful and would like a small screen that can be mounted up on the glair shield, in my line of sight when landing.
  10. N941WR

    AP Beta Testers where are you?

    The items mentioned above go equally for the RV-9. The installation, in particular the pitch servo, is best done when building but can be performed after the fact, as I did. I only say this because it requires the removal of the floor boards, working in the tail cone, and up under the panel is...
  11. N941WR

    Fuel Level for Vans Aircraft

    I just wanted to make sure it was clear that if a builder where to puchase the kit from Van's, they still need to buy the converters.
  12. N941WR

    Fuel Level for Vans Aircraft

    Brantel, If you elect to go with Van's capacitance kit you still need to purchase a pair of converters. Dynon's are the lowest priced units out there and like the rest of their products, they work and are easy to install.
  13. N941WR

    New HS34/AP74 retention bracket

    I did not like the way the bracket for the expansion units require three rivets to hold it in place so I designed something a little different. Check out these pictures:  (You will have to cut and paste the links to your browser.)
  14. N941WR

    Two D180 Installs with Autopilot Options

    Joe, I went through the same thought process you did when I built my RV-9.  This was just before the D180 came out so I installed a D100 EFIS on the left and D10 EMS on the right. Most of the time I have the engine instruments displayed on the D100 and depending on the right seat passenger...
  15. N941WR

    EFIS-D100 Enhancement Request(s)

    I don't see a thread for this topic so I thought I would start one. Things I would like to see / change in the EFIS D100: 1) After setting the AOA, adjust it up or down on the ground. I've set mine a few times and it is still not giving me any tones in the flair. I'm going to try and reset...
  16. N941WR

    FAA DAR approval - Dynon EFIS in Experimental a/c

    Re: FAA DAR approval - Dynon EFIS in Experimental George, I had my EFIS D100 w/ EMS D10 VFR panel approved by the Charlotte FISDO w/o any problems. I did stick a temporary compass on the top of the glair shield just to make sure I would have no issues and he didn't even look at it. In fact...
  17. N941WR

    Is a wet compass still required?

    Rusty, It is my understanding that some of the new airliners don't even have a wet compass and if they did, they wouldn't work because of the EMI in the cockpit. That said... The week before my inspection a friend had his plane inspected by a retiring member from the local FISDO. The guy was...
  18. N941WR

    slip/skid ball

    Zman, I have a traditional ball mounted directly below my D100 and they match 100%. So at least in my installation, the D100 is right on the ball. ;)
  19. N941WR

    Timer enhancement Suggestion

    Is it possible to change the software so one could elect to have the count down timer start on unit power power up? This would be very helpful for those of us who have to switch tanks every X minutes. Ok, I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer because there have been times when I'm...
  20. N941WR

    how to connect pitot line to Dynon pitot

    Werner, I tried all those connections as shown in your diagram and they leaked.  The guy who did my pitot-static check found the leak and suggested I connect them like this: (Click on picture)