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  1. G

    Dynon AP connection to iPad

    Is there a method to connect a D100 based autopilot to a iPad using Foreflight, so the AP will follow a GPS flight plan?
  2. G

    Network Error

    I have a D180 with both servos and now have a "network error" message. This is right after I had removed the 180 and disconnected all the connectors to do some work behind my panel. Do I just need to do a network configuration? Will I loose all my settings? I've disconnected the Dynon before...
  3. G

    GPS vs HSI

    I have my moving map GPS connected to my D180 which gives me the TRK and NAV mode options for the autopilot. This also gives me a fictional HSI display, which I have no experience with (VFR pilot), and frankly find quite confusing. Does the HSI provide any useful capability over the GPS? The...
  4. G

    AP Not Functioning

    After a very long and cold winter and a late start this spring I am finally back in the air, and was anticipating I would promptly resume my efforts (per previous posts) to fine tune the roll control on my Sonex (pitch control was perfect) after installation last fall. Except the AP isn't...
  5. G

    GPS Connection

    Thanks for the explanation. Is the AP software looking at instananeous heading changes or averages over say 5 or more seconds? Just thinking if there may be some way to buffer out the background variation. Can you provide more info on your "GPS Puck" idea? Are you talking about a simple stand...
  6. G

    GPS Connection

    Update - I have been trying to use a tablet running Naviator to run the Dynon AP through a bluetooth to serial adapter. I can get the D180 to recognize the GPS signal/connection and operate in the TRK mode. In this mode the roll control seems more stable for the short period I ran this way. But...
  7. G

    GPS Connection

    Plus the options for TRK and NAV modes will show up in the autopilot menu alongside HDG and ALT? Any changes required in the AP setup area?
  8. G

    GPS Connection

    Got it, Thanks. One more thing ... when a GPS is properly connected what confirmation should I look for on the D180 sceens and/or menus?
  9. G

    GPS Connection

    Thanks, I was looking at an older version of the User's Guide. But I see that the User's Guide indicates (or at least implies) that the $GPGGA is mandatory per the following from the guide: To use the GPS-related features on your EFIS and/or EMS, your GPS must output either “aviation format”...
  10. G

    GPS Connection

    There seems to be very little detail I can find about how to connect and configure a GPS to allow operation in TRK or NAV mode. Can someone direct me? I have a D180 with no AP74 or HS34. The D180 does not seem to recognize when I connect a GPS that is out putting NMEA data.
  11. G

    Stabilizing Roll Control

    OK, I found out that the DB9 connector does not provide any power, so I will need to figure out which of the battery powered adapters from Roving Networks will fit the need. I will see if Roving Networks can provide some guidance.
  12. G

    Stabilizing Roll Control

    Update - flew a cross country yesterday and the AP worked great. The altitude is especially good, holding to within 10' with changes barely notiicable. Roll control is much better with the alternate control mode. It seem that a high sensitivity setting (20-25) works best, but some minor rolling...
  13. G

    Stabilizing Roll Control

    I am using a 7" Nexus 7 tablet with Nav software as my GPS so no serial port available to connect to the D180. I was thinking of buying a bluetooth to serial adapter and connecting this to the 180 and see if this works. Thoughts?
  14. G

    Stabilizing Roll Control

    Thanks for the replies. Re the Dynon reply, I don't se ethe Track option on the menus which I presume is becasue I do not have a GPS connected. Correct? Is the alternate bank angle option independent of having/using track mode?
  15. G

    Stabilizing Roll Control

    Hello all, I have recently installed roll and pitch servos in my FD180 (with latest S/W) equiped Sonex. Pitch (SV32 servo) set-up has been pretty easy although I haven't really tested it under varying conditions. But today it was holding the altitude within 10-20' in level flight. It did lose...
  16. G

    Sonex Installation

    To those who have installed the autopilot (pitch servo in particular) in a Sonex ... I just completed the physical installation and ground configuration. For both servos I have used the outer most hole on the servo arm. When testing the physical stick force required to overide the servos I...
  17. G

    Ammeter giving almost random readings

    Yes, I have a capacitor on the alternator output. I installed an inexpensive analog in-line ammeter the other day since I concluded I can't rely on the Dynon output to know if the alternator has failed. With the engine stopped or at idle it reads negative (battery draining), at higher...
  18. G

    Ammeter giving almost random readings

    Thanks John, sound like you did some good work on this ... now back to Dynon?? Garth
  19. G

    Ammeter giving almost random readings

    I'm thinking of hooking up an inexpensive anolog ammeter until this [hopefully] gets resolved. I'd really like to know if the alternator has quite before the battery dies! I've just had an e-mail exchange with "Mike H" at Dynon. He wasn't aware of the issue initially but indicated he would do...
  20. G

    Ammeter giving almost random readings

    It seems that some people were really digging into this issue (random/unreliale ammeter readings) several months ago. Did anyone ever find a answer/fix? I still have this problem with my D180 and a Jabiru engine. The last post I see was 3/11/10. Thx.