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  1. S

    Troubleshooting no sectional layer

    I had this 'no sectional layer' problem this weekend with my single D1000. I reformatted my 32G PNY USB 3.0 thumb drive, reloaded all the map files from SA, as well as the latest version of SV Not sure if the issue was in reformatting the thumb drive or installing the latest version of...
  2. S

    Autopilot Pitch Not Behaving

    After 200+ hours of trouble free operation of my SkyView autopilot, I discovered a broken pitch servo shear screw this week after a trip from Minneapolis to Wash and Oregon. The symptoms I noted on this trip included Intermittent/frequent autopilot disconnects Failure to hold...
  3. S

    MGL V6 radio comparison and compatability???

    I have a Skyview and MGL V6 in my RV-7.  I can tune the V6 just fine from the Skyview.  I do not recall what shows up on the Skyview screen, tho.  I have had a number of oddball issues with the V6, tho, so for a 2.25" radio, I would take a look at the Trig Ty91.   ...
  4. S


    I know there has been a lot of discussion on RPM inputs and tachometer transducers in the EMS sections of this forum, but I am still not clear on the best setup for SkyView for my situation which includes a Lycoming IO-360, one Slick magneto, and one LightSpeed Plasma II system.  The SkyView...
  5. S

    compatible comm radio

    We will not be outputting the GPS database via the SL-30/40 protocol, we will only be tuning radios directly. So does this mean that radios such as the Xcom, Trig or MGL can or cannot be tuned to frequencies from Skyview?  Could you explain a little how this would work? Warren
  6. S

    compatible comm radio

    A number of radios say they will load frequencies from a GPS database via RS232 as using the SL40 protocol.  Xcom, Trig, MGL, all indicate they will load frequencies;  so these should work when Dynon updates their software, probably when they release their radio.  The Xcom intercom has gotten...
  7. S

    Dynon Comm Radio

    Now that Dynon's ADSB is shipping, will Dynon be focusing on getting the Comm radio to market soon?  Any info on when it might be available?