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  1. J

    Shutdown Timer

    I don't know if this topic has been discussed before or not. When the "Shutdown Timer" warning pops up, the D-10A seems to always revert back to the EFIS display while the shutdown timer counts down. Many of us, myself included, use the EFIS text pages as a checklist. The problem arises when...
  2. J

    Course line

    I've got the Apollo 360GPS. Everything works perfectly, including the CDI, it's just that the course bar is locked at 360 degrees. I sent you the GPS output file a few weeks ago.
  3. J

    Course line

    Will the non-compliant GPS course line issue be addressed by allowing us to manually set the desired course in the next upgrade?
  4. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

    Dear Support. I sent the Apollo 360 serial output file to you directly ( this morning. Please let me know if there is any workaround for the Course Selector issue. I know several other folks with the same problem that are using GPS brands other than Apollo. Thank...
  5. J

    Auto TAS Calibration with GPS

    I guess all I am trying to get across is you need to call the limit you are referring to the correct thing - Vmo. I guess I don't really see a scenario where a RV could attain an altitude where the IAS/TAS split would be so significant that a reasonable Vne would not provide a sufficient margin...
  6. J

    Auto TAS Calibration with GPS

    You are correct except that Vne can (and usually is) limited by dynamic pressure, i.e. IAS. My point was that the Vne is an IAS limit, whereas Vmo/Mmo are TAS limits. I seriously doubt that there are that many customers that would really benefit from you doing the extra programming to provide...
  7. J

    Auto TAS Calibration with GPS

    Vern, Please explain this statement. Ray
  8. J

    Brighter screen from aircraft spruce

    I would not recommend buying from Aircraft Spruce. I recently purchased a D-10A from them and I received a unit that had obviously been returned from someone else after attempting to install it. When I called ACS to return it for a new unit, they basically washed their hands of the problem and...
  9. J

    Take off and Landing Time

    Amen. Timex already makes a wonderful device that can do all of these things..... It's called a wristwatch.
  10. J

    Altimeter Bug and AOA Display

    I couldn't figure out how to attach a picture to this message board so I have emailed a picture of what I am describing directly to you.
  11. J

    Take off and Landing Time

    I really don't think this kind of feature belongs on an ADI. It would be more suited for a EMS system since you could then tie it into an oil pressure sensor to determine engine start and stop times. Most people are more concerned about block time rather than actual flight time anyway...
  12. J

    Altimeter Bug and AOA Display

    If there is a way to upload a picture, I'll do so. It will make this easier to understand what I am talking about. Basically, yes, it is just an expanded airspeed display to make it easier to nail a specific airspeed.
  13. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

    Thanks for the explanation. I'll get this information to you within the week. If it turns out not to be possible to automatically set the HSI course from the GPS data stream, could you make an option to set it manually from the panel since everything else seems to work fine, including the CDI...
  14. J

    Altimeter Bug and AOA Display

    Please consider making the selectable bug on the altimeter tape MUCH larger and a more noticeable color (orange comes to mind) so as to be consistent with analog type altimeter bugs. When using the current bug for a DH or MDA, it just isn't very visible. Also, for those of us who don't have...
  15. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

  16. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

    I would be glad to do this if you can instruct me how to do it. :)
  17. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

    Everything works as advertised except the GPS course indicator is locked at 360 degrees regardless of the route leg course. :( The CDI and all of the digitally displayed output is correct, however. I'm very disappointed that this feature is not working as expected. Hopefully the Dynon folks...
  18. J

    Apollo 360 GPS

    Has anyone had any luck hooking up an Apollo 360 GPS to the EFIS D10A to get the HSI output? It appears from the manual that it doesn't send all the NMEA sentences that the Dynon manual calls for even though the Apollo manual says it is NMEA 0183 v2.0 compliant.