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  1. G

    Dynon Heated Pitot Tube

    Skysailer thats what i thought it was, yet when i blow thro that port on the pitot, air comes out the rear tube upright of the two which completly contradicts the Dynon installation manual which quotes " tube closest to snout is pitot" which made me doubt myself
  2. G

    Dynon Heated Pitot Tube

    Dynon, i have just purchased the above can you advise me please, looking at the pointy end of the pitot which hole is the pitot intake, is it the hole at the end or is it the hole on the 45 degree slant at the pointy end. The reason i ask this is my take on which should be the pitot inlet...
  3. G

    CHT reading

    Hi Guys I carried out a compass swing in flight on my EFIS using the garmin GPS for heading reference on a clear calm day and guess what the Efis is now in perfect harmony on its compass headings in all directions and winds aloft are now reading perfect. In flight given the right conditions is...
  4. G

    CHT reading

    Sorry for the confusion, 1. The OAT is a recent addition and connected to the EDC-D10A and display's on the EFIS however having done a compass swing on the EFIS on the ground, winds in flight are a lot of nonesense ie showing anything between 50-70kts in the opposite direction from what i know...
  5. G

    CHT reading

    Dynon your where spot on thank you sensor was not set up properly. I have two other issues outstanding and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. 1. OAT showing on EFIS. Wind direction and stength are well out. Wind usually is indicated by arrow showing in the complete...
  6. G

    CHT reading

    Hi Dynon hope you can help, i have two CHT probes to my Rotax 912s after constant defective readings on the right side probe i started to trace the wiring back to the 35 pin plug and removed the pin from the plug ( pin 4)to disconnect the probe leaving it disconnected the readings still shows on...
  7. G

    D 180 turning off

    Had the same problem when the cockpit internally got up to high temeperatures the unit continually cycled itself on and off. I was asked to return the unit to Dynon which i did Dynon where unable to replicate the problem, unit now reinstalled and awaiting a sunny day
  8. G

    erratic oit temp

    Had the same problem on my rotax 30hrs and replaced the oil sender without solving the problem. On closer inspection i followed the wires in the harness and came accross a solder joint in the cable which upon picked out fell apart, resoldered and problem solved, not an easy one to find wish you...
  9. G

    Servo settings

    Can anyone give me the configuration settings for SV32 servo's on a Sportcruiser both for roll and pitch
  10. G

    Cycling on / off  EFIS Screen

    Hello, looking for some help please, D100 EFIS starts to continually cycle between screen off and screen on whilst in flight all by itself. It would appear on a cooler day this does not happen.