Search results

  1. T

    VSI Autozoom

    I guess most of us normally fly in the 1K range of the vertical speed most of the time. But if we climb well or want to descend fast, we may depart this range. Having the choice to set up the VSI like 1K, 2K or 4K and having a relatively small display on y D10A's makes my many times wishing the...
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    Plastic Airplanes & Static

    Sorry David, not really. You can immagine to have the whole engine case isolated with this kind of alluminum foil used for. Then having cables coming from the instrument panel and all kind of equipement stowed behind the seats (like A/P servos, flaps drive etc.). Those cables are connected to...
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    Plastic Airplanes & Static

    I had similar expiriences with my Pulsar XP, however in my case mostly with VOR/LOC, somtimes also on the COM and often on the EMS. I searched for quite a while. Then a friend of mine, a very expirienced avionics engineer, looked at the plane. My engine cowling is isolated with a heat...
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    Just dicovered this device: Doesn't it look like a cool thing, making up a nice addition to any Dynon? The price seems to be € 1'199.- that makes about US $ 1'670.- not to bad either. Kind regards Thomas  ;)
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    Fluctuating Manifold Pressure

    You can also put a simple cigarette filter in the MP-line, it worked out perfectly. Kind regards Thomas  ;)
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    ZAON XRX and Dynon

    Hi Dynon, I while ago I've asked  if it will in future be possible to connect the PCAS to any kind of Dynon (EFIS or EMS) and use the display as a kind of traffic display, showing of the situation the PCAS is detecting? Maybe you can add an additional page for this in a firmware upgrade, would...
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    Vertical Orientation Efis?

    I like it! What I most like, is having the compass rose moved to the center. I would appreciate if that comes eventually also to the actual family. I have two D10A stacked, the ADI above, the HSI underneath and it definitly would look better and allow an easier scann, having the rose in the...
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    D180 Upgrade

    Juliano, you need to have the EDC connected to the EFIS when you do the upgrade, as the EDC will get a new software as well. You should do it at the acft with a Laptop, or take the EDC out as well and reconnet it to the EFIS before you start the update. Kind regards Thomas
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    FlightdEk D180 + EMS D10

    I do have it hooked up to an 912ULS and it works great. As far as I understand, you can only have one engine monitor per DSAB, which will be in your case the D180. So you should go for a combination of one D180 and one D10A or one D100 and one EMS10. The possibilities of what you can display...
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    Engine Monitor add on and more questions?

    I see it as a completely new system. Will Dynon go on with products as the D10A or the EMS10 or will they eventually disapear? I would be glad to see my panel supported with new firmware, spareparts etc. for quite a while ;) Kind regrads Thomas
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    Rotax 912ULS & Floscan 201b

    Guys, On the 912S it can be installed with one flow scan only. I do have it and it works great. The thing is, that you need to order a special fuel divider, which will incoporate a loop with the flowscan the way it won't be obstructed by the return line. Rotax has this part and it can be...
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    Loss of Fuel Pressure

    I had the same problem on my 912S. So I opend the very small hole to the probe with a drill, making it as big as possible. Just carefull, that you will not drill in the probe itselfs! It worked out perfectly and since then no worries ;) Kind regards Thomas
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    Autopilot .... cat's out of the bag now

    I do agree with those of you asking for an out of trim annunciation. I actually fly my Pulsar with a Trio EZ-3 having the automaitc trim option. As in my case trim force is provided trough springs, it is not satisfactory in all aspetcs, but as good a system can be if you trim with springs. As...
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    Artificial horizon plane symbol too small?

    When is enough salt in the soup? I think this is also a kind of personal taste and to what you have been used to till now. I did fly a number of aircraft with conventional but also modern EFIS Systems as the Collins EFIS86 or the Honeywell Primus. I would consider the Dynon D10A as smart as the...
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    Autopilot .... cat's out of the bag now

    I agree, an out of trim indicator is something I would definitly miss as well. Just as an idea: Once I flew for a while the IAI1125 Astra. This aircraft has a beep going on all the time the trim is moved. Since I transitioned to another type I really miss this "beep" going on. It was definitly...
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    stall warning

    Letpmar, Have a closer look at the AOA and I am sure, once flown with one you will miss it on any aircraft not having one. If you know how to interpret, you can get much more out of a AOA than from a stall warning. We could say, that on a stall warning you only get the information about a...
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    Next software release?

    I would love to see a feature, displaying traffic from the Zaon XRX. Real great would be, if the split screens could be used for. Thanks a lot and Kind regards Thomas ;)
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    Will it in future be possible to connect the PCAS to any kind of Dynon (EFIS or EMS) and use the display as a kind of traffic display, showing of the situation the PCAS is detecting? Maybe you can add an additional page for this in a firmware upgrade, would be cool. Kind regards Thomas ;)
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    I helped a friend of mine, who is running a leading avionics shop in my country to become Dynon dealer. I think a main problem here is what a reseller can earn with seeling the stuff. My friend sells the Dynons basically just as a service to the customer, but not for making a business. While...
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    D10A GPS interface options

    I was flying for a while with a combo of a GNC250XL and a SL30, hooked up to the D10A, just about the way you're looking at it. I was working just fine and I don't see a need for a HS34 either in this set up. The GPS CDI can be set on the GNC trough the OBS function as well. As the 250XL and the...