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    5.1.1 did not cure bearing pointer problem

    Bill, My system is a EFIS D10A, EMS D10, HS34, SL30, and 496. After upgrading to 5.1.1, the bearing pointers are working in every configuraton. Maybe the difference is between the D10A and the D100. Roger Johnson Long EZ N34JR
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    Oil Temp

    I chased this same problem on my Long EZ for a long time. It was determined that the ground to the engine was fluctuating, causing the oil temp readings to fluctuate by as much as 20 degrees. Even a #2 gauge wire run directly from the battery to the engine didn't solve the problem. By turning...
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    Dashboard USB plug

    If panel space is an issue, how about connecting the various 3 wire serial cables through a 3-pole, multi-throw selector switch and then to a panel mounted, 1/8" stereo connector. An external adapter cable can be made to convert the 1/8" connector to 9 pin to USB. Roger Johnson Long EZ N34JR
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    HSI Bearing Pointers

    Bob, Thanks for your input. I believe you have to have an HS34 to select/deselect nav inputs, both for the CDI and RMI. It's interesting that without an HS34, if the active Nav is tuned to a localizer freq, the standby Nav automatically uses the 1st RMI pointer. I think Dynon needs to do...
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    HSI Bearing Pointers

    Bob, I think you missed the original point of this thread. In most cases, having an RMI pointing to the same VOR as the CDI is not necessary and just clutters up the screen. What I am looking for is for the active VOR to drive the CDI (and glideslope) and for the standby VOR to drive one RMI...
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    HSI Bearing Pointers

    Any progress on this issue? Thanks Roger Johnson LnogEZ N34JR
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    Low temperature (14° F) and dysplay problems

    All hardware is running 5.0. Roger Johnson LongEZ N34JR
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    Low temperature (14° F) and dysplay problems

    Re: Low temperature (40° F) and display problems I have a similar situation with my EMS D10. When turned on while cold (40 degrees or less is cold here in Arizona!), it powers up in a very dim mode and will not adjust brighter. After being on for several minutes it gradually returns to normal...
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    HSI Bearing Pointers

    I am running 5.0. Also, with the active NAV on the 1st pointer and the standby Nav on the 2nd pointer, if the 1st pointer is deselected, the 2nd pointer automatically switches over to the active NAV. Thanks for the quick response. Roger Johnson LongEZ N34JR
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    HSI Bearing Pointers

    I have an EFIS D10A, EMS D10, HS34, SL30, and Garmin 496. All is working fine, however, I a have a question regarding the bearing pointer operation on the HSI. The standby VOR can only be selected as the second bearing pointer after the active VOR is selected as the first bearing pointer. Is...
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    V 5.0

    Dynon, Is it possible to have the tone function active for the altitude alerter while having the voice alerts selected for everything else? It appears that the voice alerter for altitude does make the 500' announcement. Also, is it possible to turn off the altitude bug from the HS34 or does...
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    HSI Display

    A jet would be fine, however, an EZ would be icing on the cake!!! :) Roger Johnson Long EZ N34JR
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    HSI Display

    Thanks for releasing 5.0 with the improvements and bug fixes. You guys have a great product with very good support. However, I was disappointed that the HSI display still doesn't have an airplane symbol depicted. Every other HSI and moving map display on the market has this small feature...
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    Very interesting, I have a similar problem. I have a D10A EFIS, D10 EMS, and an HS34. All is working fine, except: I made my first night flight yesterday with the Dynons. The autodimming function was on and when the displays dimmed, they started jumping slightly but noticeably. If the...
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    Carb Temp Sensor

    My carb was drilled but somewhere along the line the threads got a little messed up. I had to install a helicoil in the carb. It really is no big deal, but I would recommend removing the carb first to avoid metal slivers ending up in the engine. It is interesting to know what the carb temp...
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    Next release date

    Gentlemen, When is the next software update for the current products scheduled to be released? Thanks in advance for your response. Roger Johnson LongEZ N34JR
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    Erratic Oil Pressure

    Paul, I chased erratic oil temp readings for quite a while with mixed success.  I wasn't seeing the extreme range you described.  My issue was at operating temps (190 to 205 degrees F) the reported temp would be affected by the current electrical load.  For example, by turning on a high load...
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    Video screen for tandem aircraft

    Add me to the "I want one" list. Roger Johnson LongEZ N34JR
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    Artificial horizon plane symbol too small?

    To Pilot Kris, Did it take you 4 days to develop that witty response? My point is, every HSI on the market displays an airplane symbol relative to the CDI. Is there a reason Dynon wants to use different symbology instead of conforming to the industry standard? Roger Johnson LongEZ N34JR
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    Artificial horizon plane symbol too small?

    I think the attitude indicator is fine, however, the lack of an airplane symbol on the HSI seems odd. Roger Johnson Long EZ N34JR