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  1. A

    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    today i make a new calibration: ..... i have the same results!!! I make a level flight, I push AOACAL I flight for 1 or 2 minutes (i oscillate the aircraft same times (small oscillate) at fast speed (120knt) i push "STALL" and i makethe  first STALL (no power, no flaps) and when finish 45...
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    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    Today I made a new test. During takeoff the AOA indicator bars had green, yellow and red. But if i maintaining the altitude, the green bars have gradually disappeared and when I decreased the height are missing all the red bars. Furthermore, there were also problems artificial horizon After I...
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    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    The pitot tube is mounted in the right position. Indeed, for how does the indicator seemed to be reversed, but I checked several times and seems okay. The speeds mentioned are correct. On pitot tube pipeline there are several related instruments, while on the AOA pipeline only Dynon , can...
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    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    I aligned the pitot tube, I ran your procedure, but the problem persists. I also noticed that now the horizon of EFIS is slow and inaccurate in roll. The only question concerns the wire with which I connected the EFIS to EMS, in fact I do not know if I connected the wire of DSAB on EMS to 34 35...
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    airspeed reading too slow on my D180

    check your static port!! Andrea
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    Problem with AOA_BAR  on EFIS D100

    I have a Dynon EFIS D100 and EMS D120 connected with "DSAB". I mount the "Dynon AOA pitot Boom Mount" on leading edge of the wing. I did the calibration as instruction, but "AOABAR" displays a single red line!! I repeat the calibration, but the result is the same. I noticed that the plane...