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  1. B

    SkyView 10 Software Released

    Hi all, I had no trouble downloading SV Version 10 on to a USB stick. However, Skyview will not recognise that the USB stick is inserted & "software update" is greyed out. My USB stick is formatted "exFAT", and I suspect that might be the trouble. What format should I use for SV updates...
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    Skyview Froze in flight

    Dynon, I was able to capture the "blink" on video today, whilst parked, engine not running. I then flew with the PFD page showing (not the split screen I usually use), and no "blink" was evident. I may have missed it of course, in flight. I will email the video tonight. I think what I'll do in...
  3. B

    Skyview Froze in flight

    re Reply No 15.  I should be able to do that tomorrow. I'll get back to you.  Thank you.
  4. B

    Skyview Froze in flight

    My SV 1000  (Version 7.0) has started to "blink", in flight, and during taxi, perhaps three or four times in a 30min flight. Just a "blink", not a flicker. It lasts only for a fraction of a second, but long enough to glimpse the red cross lines. It occurs both with, and without the backup...
  5. B

    Glitch... Probably nothing but

    I had the same issue with mine, similar Skyview hours, and I traced mine to a poor connection on the SV circuit breaker/switch, thus SV was getting fluctuating voltage. Incorrect washers,installation error. 
  6. B

    Australian database

    Thanks Jamie. I must check out Fraser Island ...similar elevations.
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    Australian database

    I'm using Jepp database.  This has uncovered some very interesting aspects !!   Beware of BN CTA nearby. Thanks for the interest. Jamie, I'm based at YMUR. PM me anytime.  BB
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    Australian database

    If there are any Aussie pilots with Skyview v.4.0 flying east of Brisbane, please check your position when flying over North Stradbroke Is. I noticed the other day, northbound in VFR, that I was obviously over the northern part of the island, and easily confirmed with my Skymap IIIC, but Skyview...
  9. B

    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Hi all, does anybody actually have Skyview driving a TruTrak A/P?  I've spent a few hours today trying to get T/Trak to accept SV's signal. Maybe I'm missing something here. I have Pin 4 (orange/brown wire) correctly connected to T/Trak. In SET-UP menu, I have Serial Port 1 Tx allocated, and the...
  10. B

    Frozen Screen

    Re: Transponder If I mount my SV transponder on top of my radio COM tray, am I running the risk of RF interference?  Anybody got any issues with this?  Thks  BrianB
  11. B

    Frozen Screen

    Thks Jake /Hugh ... I've got a successful load onto USB & will put it in tomorrow.. cheers B
  12. B

    Frozen Screen

    Hi all,  My Skyview S/N 1862, and back-up battery was installed 7th Dec 2010, and has done 47 trouble free hours to date. However, today, in flight, the screen froze, and I could not un-freeze it, no matter which buttons I pressed. In my Glasair, I have a dedicated line direct from the battery...
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    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Thanks Dynon .... BB
  14. B

    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Where's the best position to tie into the SV-250 GPS line in order to feed the signal to the TruTrak A/P?  Between the puck and the SV display, or from the D37 plug?    I take it that I would use the GPS TX line Pin 11?       Thank you  BrianB
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    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Thanks Nick. That's good news for me, as the Flight Plan/Direct To function is what I was looking for, at least at this stage. Rgds.. BB
  16. B

    Skyview compatibility with TruTrak

    Any new information on whether Skyview will drive a TruTrak Digiflight II?  I believe Dynon has supplied T/T some time ago with the required info to enable this.  Thank you  BrianB
  17. B

    AOA Calibration

    Thanks Stephen ....
  18. B

    AOA Calibration

    Hi all.  I finished installation today of my new Dynon heated pitot/AOA probe, and it seems to work as advertised, heating up promptly. I checked Skyview screen but no depiction of the AOA bar graph was showing. I went to "Setup Menu" and selected "YES" to enable AOA, but still no depiction. I...
  19. B

    Screen shots

    I also get the message, "Screenshot External Drive Missing", but only occasionally. After a few tries, it works normally. I have an after market USB extension cable going to the panel. It is attached to the USB extension cable in the Dynon harness.    BB
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    User Waypoints

    Jake, when I said the original Dynon D37 kit, I meant the original D37 harness "out of the box" with new Skyview. I got my D37 filter from Dynatech early on, when we were all waking up to this issue & before Dynon supplied them, so no black cable.