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  1. B

    User Waypoints

    Hi Jake,  Yep, I used the D37 line, with USB socket, (as per original SV D37 kit), and extended that across to the back of the panel.  6" extension from Description: P1011-006 Type A. I do have the D37 filter/capacitor dongle fitted as well. Worked well for headset noise removal...
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    User Waypoints

    Australian and New Zealand  pilots with the Champagne FP3000 program on their computers may not be aware that flight plans so generated can be successfully exported in gpx format to a USB stick, and thence downloaded to Skyview. User Waypoints from the FP3000 will carry across successfully.  ...
  3. B

    GPS receiver position

    My Skymap IIIC antenna has been mounted under the vinylester panel top for many years with no problems. Similarly, my SV250 antenna is mounted under the roof with no reception problems at all.
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    Zaon traffic on SV

    With reference to the Monroy ATD-300+ Traffic Alert Unit.  I've been in touch with Monroy and asked if their remote antenna could be mounted on the inside of a composite fuselage. Their answer was that they themselves had done no testing, but had heard good results from others, and that it is...
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    Zaon traffic on SV

    Thanks gents .. I'll chase that up....   B
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    Zaon traffic on SV

    OK, that certainly answers the question, thanks for the reply.
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    Zaon traffic on SV

    I understand that Zaon traffic can be displayed on Skyview. (here in Australia we have no ADSB yet) My Glasair panel is chockers, and I'm unwilling to put the Zaon XRX on top of the coaming as I feel it will block the very traffic I am looking out for. Being a composite aircraft, I hope I can...
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    Mapping Payment

    Thks Jake, now I get it. I'll call & see Dynon next week at Oshkosh. B
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    Mapping Payment

    Gents, with a view to paying my $500 for Mapping, I went to Set-Up,Local Screen Set-Up, Screen Hardware, and then got my Serial No., but where is the Certificate Code? Thks BB
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    Dynon techs and Australian pilots in particular, might like to look at I have no connection with them, but I saw their mapping on an iPhone and iPad & it is very impressive. No more ERSA and other heavy & bulky chart stuff on your knees.
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    Skyview data back-up

    OK, thks Dynon....
  12. B

    Skyview data back-up

    I tried  today to backup all my SV info onto a USB flash drive without success.  With the flash drive inserted, I went through SETUP MENU, then SYSTEM SOFTWARE, but CREATE SYSTEM BACKUP did not appear. I tried the flash drive in various USB sockets, including the extension. I saw EXPORT...
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    Skyview Screen

    OK, thank you.     BB
  14. B

    Skyview Screen

    This must be covered in the notes somewhere, but what is everybody using to clean the SV screen safely. Dust and fingermarks galore. Thanks     BB
  15. B

    Timeline on future user point navigation.

    May I also add a request for user waypoint entry direct to Skyview. Very impressive unit. Thks Dynon....
  16. B

    Jeppesen data for Australia

    Hey guys, exactly whereabouts in the Setup Menu, can I declutter by removing IFR waypoints?? Thks B
  17. B

    Jeppesen data for Australia

    Re: Jeppesen data fo Australia Got it all installed in Skyview now and very pleased with it all. Still learning. The IFR waypoints tend to clutter a bit. All good.
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    Jeppesen data for Australia

    Re: Jeppesen data fo Australia Thks for that... know more now. !!
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    Jeppesen data for Australia

    Re: Jeppesen data fo Australia I installed the Jeppesen JSUM facility & then downloaded the two databases. I personally had a lot of trouble with the Jepp website & had to ask my son for help. He had trouble too, but got there in the end. It is not an intuitive site. BTW, it appears that Apple...
  20. B

    Jeppesen data for Australia

    Re: Jeppesen data fo Australia OK thanks.. I'll advise more later. B