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  1. C

    How to 'downgrade' Skyview System Software?

    Hello! I've already got in touch with your technical support. It was after I tried updating the software. I'll appreciate a lot if you can help me reinstalling the software without sending it back to you, if any chance, this is possible. Thanks a lot, Carlos.
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    How to 'downgrade' Skyview System Software?

    It is possible to re-install a previous version of a Skyview System Software over a new one? For exemple: Version 15.0.1 over 15.3.3. The reason I want to do that is because I need to reinstall the actual version again (over an old one) to try to reinstall my transponder firmware. It is not...
  3. C

    Vers 15 QWERTY

    Same in mine! >:(
  4. C

    Vers 15 QWERTY

    Even setting the Keyboard to QWERTY layout on settings, the keyboard appears in ABCDE... version on FPL screens. Dynon please correct this...
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    Dynon, I have two questions: 1) Do you intend to revert the HSI/G-Meter back to the original circular one on all screen layouts (40,50,100%)? 2) If not, how can I install the 14 software version back to my screens? Thank you!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    The old one (Version 14) Dynon Skyview Circular HSI!!! We want it back Dynon!!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    CLASSIC HSI!!!!! Circular!!!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    G1000... Circular HSI!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    Avidyne Entegra... Circular HSI!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    Garmin.... Circular HSI!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    AW139 (Agusta Helicopter)... Circular HSI!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    I'd like to know how to revert to V.14 too!
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    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    In my opinion, having a different version of the HSI/G-meter, beeing circular in 40% screeen, and oval in all other screens is very annoying. Dynon, please put back the circular HSI back, or at least, an option that the user can choose with version he want's. If it will not possible, for sure I...
  14. C

    v15 bug(?) - HSI no longer circular

    Hi Dynon! Pleeeeeeaaaaase!!! Put back the circular HSI/G-Meter on 80% and 50% pages. It is very annoying the oval one that you put in the version 15. It is out of proportion! Because of this, I am thinking about going back to version 14.
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    Twitchy Roll Turn-In?

    Hi... Did you try to reduce the ROLL GAIN or the SENSITIVITY? These are the settings in a friend Dynamic WT9 (attached). As you can see, it works fine.
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    Skyview Touch - Frozen for 30 seconds in flight.

    Gentleman, Yesterday I was flying a climb from 5000 to 6500 feet and one of my two Skyview Touch screens frozen. It froze exactly passing 6000 ft. The plane has only 22 flight hours of flying and this is the first time it happened . I did upgrade to the version 12 and configured the map page to...
  17. C

    Rotax 912 Carburator Air Temperature Sensor

    Hi. I'd like to know if the Carburator Air Temperature Sensor, 1/4-28 UNF (listed in Dynon Website) can be used with Rotax Bing Carburators. If yes, how to install? Someone can help me?
  18. C

    Skyview data log

    Hi... We are now in version 11. Any software to view a intelligible version of the data log?
  19. C

    180 degrees turn - Fisical Button.

    Ok! Probably I misunderstood the manual. But... How about implementing this feature? A pin to conect a external 180 degrees button.