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  1. G

    IFR certification

    If you are an EAA member you should be able to get to this link.
  2. G

    Flight Dek 180 Harness Wiring NOT RIGHT

    Over 40 eyes can't read those numbers. I went back and looked at the manual after being advised that the words "Pin Insertion View" were there because I really had not seen it. I don't know what percentage of users are buying their harnesses premade but from the stand point of one who did, we...
  3. G

    Angle between AOA and AS pitot probes.

    What is the angle betwen the AOA and AS pitot probes? From looking at the drawings it looks like about 45 degrees. Am I correct that there is no other connection between these two probes and the Dynon just calculates from the difference between the two?
  4. G

    Flight Dek 180 Harness Wiring NOT RIGHT

    My Bad Just for the record it seems I was looking at the connector backwards. The illustrations in the manual are all from the back side of the connector.
  5. G

    Flight Dek 180 Harness Wiring NOT RIGHT

    I purchased all my wiring harnesses from Dynon. I seem to have found some points where the wires aren't in the right spot. Well, at least with the installation manual I have which is Revsion D dated Oct 1, 2007. Here's is what I;ve found so far. All the problems seem to be on the D-25...
  6. G

    "Internal Error Service Unit"

    The subject is the message I'm getting on start-up on my 180. I'm still in the install portion and have almost everything hooked up. I haven't yet run the engine with the Dynon installed. This started yesterday when I first applied power. I have cycled the power every time I've added a new...
  7. G

    EMS-D120 Warning lamp output

    Would there be any negative to running a couple of other warning lights that don't have anything to do with the EMS run through that same test swtich so all the light could be checked with a single push?
  8. G

    Need Help putting together order...

    It's my intention to install a FlightDEK-D180 in the Corvair powered 601XL I'm building. I know you guys don't officially support the Corvair but we both know it can be done because it has been done. I'm needing the Builders Headstart portion of the kit with the probes and senders pretty much...
  9. G

    14mm CHT Probes

    Is there anyway to get 14mm CHT probes for use with a Covair installation?
  10. G

    CDI & Glide Slope on EFIS

    What about the second part of the question? Will the CDI/GS show up on the EFIS display when in the 2/3 screen mode?
  11. G

    CDI & Glide Slope on EFIS

    I see that you have added CDI and Glide Slope on the main EFIS screen. THAT IS GREAT. Any photo's of that on the site. I couldn't find any. Also will it display CDI/GS when in the 2/3 screen mode on a 180?
  12. G

    Flight Dek Screen Options

    The CDI and GS is really all I'd want out of the on the EFIS screen. I really don't want to have to add a VOR/GS head in my panel because of both limited space and price. I'd much rather spend the savings from a VOR/GS head on a second Dynon product.
  13. G

    Dynon EMS and the Corvair Engine

    I'd have questions for anyone that has installed and of the Dynon EMS systems with a Corvair engine, I have some questions. Please e-mail me at wrgiacona (AT)
  14. G

    Flight Dek Screen Options

    Sorry, for the incorrect 1/2 1/2 comment. So I'll add to the question what are the chances of seeing the output from the SL30 and GPS on the main EFIS screen? The problem is if you bring up the engine istruments with the EFIS up you loose the ability to see the output from the NAV or GPS.
  15. G

    Flight Dek Screen Options

    For the 180 I've seen examples of both "1/2-1/2" and "2/3-1/3". With the added availability of the HSI/DG now is there the possibility to have a "1/3-1/3-1/3" screen?
  16. G

    Tach signal not associated with the ignition.

    Recently William Wynne of has made his feelings about having the tach via the ignition system known and specificly mentions Dynon. "On the horizon, the highly reputable Dynon company has said they're willing to develop a Corvair specific EIS unit. This is good news because they...
  17. G


    FlightDEK-D180 -> EFIS10A What will be the options for information trasfer between the D180 and the D10A or D100? Example D180 for the left seat whith a D10A or D100 for the right seat and the right show the engine info from the D180.