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  1. D

    IFR certification

  2. D

    IFR certification

    Do you have, or can you point to, a circuit for doing this and a parts list? Thanks
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    IFR certification

    Your explanation is consistent with what i've been told.
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    IFR certification

    That was very helpful; thank you.
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    IFR certification

    Thank you; but you're making my point. " sport GPS equipment in their instrument panel. Some of these units are approved for IFR operations, and the FAA has recently updated their guidance on how to approve the installation of GPS equipment in individual aircraft...." "...However, if...
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    IFR certification

    I thought that too (91.205); but i was "corrected" by a person in the Atlanta MIDO. I certainly won't have this exactly right, but apparently every manufacturer of equipment on your airplane gets a vote on whether the airplane is actually "approved" for IFR flight: the engine manufacturer gets...
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    IFR certification

    Has anyone actually gone through the process of getting their Dynon EFIS + other electronics (e.g. SL30, IFR GPS) certified for IFR flight? If so, what is in your panel, and what were the sticking points? For example, since an A1-certified GPS must have certain things annunciated, and since...
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    What's missing when Dynon's receive NMEA vs Arinc?

    Re: What's missing when Dynon's receive NMEA vs Ar i have a TruTrak DII VSG (have had it for about 2 yrs) and I've been running it only on the serial NMEA data from the AvMap GPS. It won't do the vertical navigation with serial only; and it won't do fly-by lateral nav (the GPSS mode), only...
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    What's missing when Dynon's receive NMEA vs Arinc?

    I'm trying to twist my head around the operational difference between sending an NMEA 0183 stream from a GPS vs sending an Arinc Aviation stream to the Dynon collection. If I have a GPS capable of supplying its info in either NMEA or Arinc, why would i choose one over the other? What...
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    Wiring two GPSs into the system

    As a followup. How many Nav sources will the HSI identify (i have an SL30)? I'm hoping 3: NAV1, GPS1, GPS2. I'm also hoping for 4 bearing sources: NAV1, NAV Stdby, GPS1, GPS2. Thanks again, Doug
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    Wiring two GPSs into the system

    I've got two GPSs - an IFR Garmin GPS-155XL (just added) and a portable AvMap EKP-IV (mounted into the panel - had it for a couple of years). The IFR GPS is now the primary one, and it is wired as an ARINC source into the HS34 (as required). The Avmap is also wired into the HS34 as a second nav...
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    HS34 Question - what does it do?

    Let me try a specific question. Currently I drive my TruTrak a/p from the Garmin GPS 155XL using the 429 interface. The GPS 155XL will accept a course/heading input from an ARINC 429 device. Assume my EFIS D100 is connected to an HS34 (DSAB), and the HS34 is connected to the ARINC 429 input of...
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    HS34 Question - what does it do?

    I know that sounds really ignorant, but my question is this: does the HS34 translate between formats and msgs, or does it just pass like to like as a cross-switch? I'm trying to decide what functionality i actually get. For example, what does the "Bearing source" button actually do? I take it...
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    Rumour Control: quasi TSO for SLSA install

    OK... I probably don't have this exactly right, and I'm relaying what I was told while at the US Sport Aviation Expo at Sebring this past weekend...  this info was not associated with a sale of any sort; nor was it delivered by a salesperson. I was told that Dynon was working through a...
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    Dynon GPS Support

    As promised: -------------------------- Hello Mr. Norman The Processed signal was created specifically for the TRIO auto pilot systems. With this system there was a "hiccup" that was causing the AP to lose GPS signal frequently. The NMEA output on the old generation of software (V1.11.50R and...
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    Dynon GPS Support

    I just popped a note off to Dan Lyons from AvMap; and I'll post his response when I get it.
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    Dynon GPS Support

    Are you sure it should be set to "processed"? That is a fix for a particular autopilot (navaid I believe) which was having problems. The folks in the AvMap US office (specifically Dan Lyons) didn't mention this as a parameter to use for other than that set of issues. Having said that, I...
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    Dynon GPS Support

    The way it was done in my airplane is just what is suggested in the Dynon installation instructions: serial GPS to the Dynon serial in. There are additional details depending whether you have more than one Dynon element, and whether you own a Garmin SL30. The install instructions suggest the...
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    Dynon GPS Support

    Thanks for the feedback. The ultimate cause for my problem, and I'm guessing many others, is the marginal design of the antenna used by the AvMap EKP-IV, and the unshielded cable carrying the signal (uses a 5v source on the center conductor, and the modulated signal carrying the GPS result from...
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    Dynon GPS Support

    Moved the GPS antenna from on top of the panel to under the canopy on the turtle deck behind the seats. This is away from the engine's electrical noise and all the local oscillators on the radios. GPS Problems went away. The winds aloft / cross-wind showing on the Dynon is now correct too...