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    D10A cycles on and off

    My unit should arrive at Dynon this Monday, shipped 2nd day. Darwin
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    D10A cycles on and off

    When I say it cycles I mean that the blue screen comes up for 2-3 seconds and then it shuts down again. if, of course, it is on the battery it shuts off only once. Just wanted to clarify my original explaination. As for reliability, the first D10A quit for a totally different reason and...
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    D10A cycles on and off

    I will try to disconnect the battery but it is not easy since there is very little room withouth removing the unit. This will be the second D10A unit to go out on me, the first one lasted 6 months, this on lasted 11months. I am disappointed in the reliability, although it seems others are not...
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    D10A cycles on and off

    Went out to fly today and when I turned on the master the D10A Came on then in 2-3 seconds it turned off.  It will not stay on with aircraft power or internal battery. I disconnected the 25DB cable and it still will not turn on and stay on. Withe the aircraft power on the unit will cycle on and...
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    Disengage button config

    First, My newly installed Alt hold is working practically perfect. It holds altitude in smooth air without any hunting and within 10 ft indicated of the selected altitude. :) My issue is that regardless of how I set the disengage button, with or without CWS and with setup to go to the selected...
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    I wait for it to go out again and record the conditions. This will be very difficult to solve since it may not go out again for a couple of months. In the meantime I'll do additional looks at the wiring.
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    I have only the Dynon D10A with the latest updates and the Remote magnometer. I did not lose the heading indication. I the loss of OAT occured with different software versions. Darwin
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    I have lost my OAT twice in the last 9 months. It only goes out for abut 5-10 minutes and only when initially turned on. Doesn't seem to be a big deal but each time it has gone out I thinking that other things will malfunction. Other than wiring, which seems to be ok, is thee anything I...
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    display unstable after v5.0 upload

    No DSAB just the D10A with internal battery.  My Garmin 396 is the thing hooked to it. I have the remote compass and OAT as well.  I will call as soon as I can tomorrow for an RMA.  I really like this unit, it will be like sending a part of me off.
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    display unstable after v5.0 upload

    Uploaded the backup file successfully but still have the unstable display. Text, like checklist, are displayed ok. All parameters are jumping around, is the best way I can discribe it. I need further help.
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    display unstable after v5.0 upload

    My D10A display is unstable after uploading V5. During the upload the unit shut down and I restarted the upload which eventually displayed a message that the upload was successful. a couple days later when I turned on the power the display was constantly moving and the blue screen never...