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  1. P

    396 as ADSB position source

    I know it is not 2020 legal, but has has anyone used a 396 as position source for ADSB Out with the Dynon Transponder?   If so, how did you configure the data stream on the 396?
  2. P

    Boot up issues

    Disconnected the keep alive and loaded new software - so far so good - thanks for the response on the weekend - you guys ROCK! Pete
  3. P

    Boot up issues

    Hello. I have a D10A and EMS-D10 in my RV-9A. 500 hours and they work great. Yesterday, I landed in South Bend to drop off the little one at Grandmas and make a quick turn for home. I gassed up and when I started up again, the EMS did not boot. I could see a faint flicker on the screen and...
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    Carb temp sensor

    Thanks Guys, I'll check the grounds and the wiring.
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    Carb temp sensor

    Hello, My carb temp sensor has been working well for 2+ years, but last night I checked it and it was reading -42degF in a 55 deg hangar with the engine off. Did the sensor cack? Can it be repaired? or is it time to get a new one?
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    Dynon alt encoder to 430W and old transponder

    Hello, UPS guy dropped a 430W at my door, so I guess I need to start the IFR upgrade.  I have an old TDR-950 TPX that requires grey code - it works great with the encoder converter installed.   When I wire up the 430W can tap into the serial, or do I need to run all the goofy greycode wires to...
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    What do HS34 Outputs provide?

    Phantom - will be installing a 480 soon and would like to correspond. can you send me an email? trackker.ant( at )
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    Great stuff, Alan.  HS34 is on order!   I am looking for a cheap nav/GS option to add - looking at older king stuff (KNS-80 and 81) although I know they might not work - I plan to use Waas once I get my rating. Pete
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    Hello, I was able to pick up a GPS400 today for a great price - I plan to use this as primary nav to shoot Waas approaches someday - I assume it hooks up the same as a 430 via arinc and the HS34, but wanted to be sure.   Thanks
  10. P

    EFIS Audio

    I have BFRL (Big XXX Red Light) right in front of me for engine warnings - I think I might go EFIS audio only for a while or put in a switch to allow me to configure as I want. Thanks for the reply!
  11. P

    EFIS Audio

    Hello - can the EFIS and EMS audio be fed into one input. I am out of expansion slots on my audio isolation module. Thanks, Pete
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    Hi Guys - I think the answer is here, but want to confirm my result was normal. I hooked up the AOA pitot tonight and tried a leak check.  Pressure held great upstream of the pitot, but leaked when I had the test hose over the pitot opening and all the other holes covered with tape.   Thanks...
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    Sun'N'Fun 2007

    Check the front Page!!!  Good Stuff.   :)
  14. P

    CDI on EFIS

    hehehehehe ;D  giddy-up Dynon - bring on the Beta
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    #3 EGT Misses Peak

    Yes, I do. I flew again last night and all is well. I kept expecting a peak and never got it, b/c it had peaked so much earlier than expected. Sorry for the false alarm. I should have paid better attention. Pete
  16. P

    D10A and 396

    Hi Bill, The 396 was set to Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out , but I was not getting altitude on the HSI.  I set it to NMEA in /NMEA out and set the advanced to slow.   I would then get the HSI Altitude but not radio freq loading to the SL40.   I decided last night that the radio was a more...
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    #3 EGT Misses Peak

    Hi Guys, I recycle the lean mode if I know that I've gone more than 15 deg past peak, and then re-lean.  That said, I think this may have been an engine problem.   I saw the same issue with #3 on a long XC yesterday.  I suspected an induction leak, so I pulled the cowl and and tightened up all...
  18. P

    D10A and 396

    I have my 396 connected to the Dynon EMS, SL-40, and a TT ADI Pilot 2.   A D10-A is connected to the EMS over DSAB.  Has anyone been able to get the 396 to feed Freq to the SL-40 and the altitude readout on the HSI? Seems like I need the VHF coupled to the NMEA slow (4800) format. Thanks, Pete
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    #3 EGT Misses Peak

    Hi Mike, I have a D10 and I have the latest firmware. Only recent change is uploading new checklists into the DSAB Linked D10A. Cheers, Pete
  20. P

    #3 EGT Misses Peak

    Hello, I use EGT to lean my O-320 aggressively.  I have certain settings where I know the EGT'S peak and then go LOP.  Yesterday all the cylinders accurately reported the peak except #3.   I could manually watch it peak and go LOP, but the lean mode would not catch it.   It caught the peaks of...