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  1. M

    Dynon upgrades

    Hello I apologize because I cannot write American very easyly (French) Never had any probleme in using Bootcamp on a MacBookPro for the upgrades. (Windows XP installed on Bootcamp partition) Be absolutely sure that MacBook AND D-180 will not shut down during upgrade (use chargers either on...
  2. M

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    j'ai également un Rotax 912S, et dans la page TIME, j'ai bien Tach et Hobbs (sur un EMS D120). Ca a l'air normal... Bons vols Marc Dynamic WT9S 250/2008
  3. M

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    Bonjour, parles-tu des infos affichées par le D180 dans la page des temps écoulés ?, ou veux-tu dire que tu as 2 instruments différents : le D180 et un horamètre Hobb ? Je ne saisis pas bien quelle est ta question ? Marc Dynamic WT9S 250/2008
  4. M

    Battery drain

    I have charged the internal battery and I have loaded the patch. Keep alive is not connected (not been connected by the factory of my aircraft) The issue seems to be resolved : voltage ranges betwween +15,8 and +16,3V. Clock doesn't reset. Best regards Marc
  5. M

    Battery drain

    OK. This is if the EFIS is switched on. A few days ago, you wrote : " You can even turn off the EFIS by holding the left button and the battery will continue to charge behind the scenes - as long as it has power coming into it." So, you confirm that if I turn off the EFIS with the left button...
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    Battery drain

    OK, thank you. What value do you advise for settings of the external charger : 1 Amp, 2 Amp, more, less ? Thanks Marc
  7. M

    Battery drain

    Thank you Richard. If I understand it well, for recharging the internal battery without disassembling, it is necessary to let the general contact (main switch) and to switch on the EFIS for several hours. Isnt'it dangerous for the main battery of the aircraft (even with an external charger ) ...
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    Battery drain

    Thank you Richard! OK; I have done the upload this afternoon and it has been completely successfull. Nice Before doing the upload, I had 0 Volt on the internal battery, and the hour was lost. The main battery was at 12,0 Volt. Than, I have connected an external charger on the main battery (for...
  9. M

    Battery drain

    Hello in order to be safe in my procedure, how do you install the patch ? Thanks Marc
  10. M

    Battery drain

    I am interested in trying your software patch Best regards Marc
  11. M

    EFIS D-100 power-down anomaly

    This afternoon I watched the charge of internal battery: 0 Volt! My last flight was a week ago and at the end of flight (1h30), the charge of the internal battery was 13.2 V, but EFIS D100 shut down immediately when switched off. Why it that the battery completely empty? Is there any internal...
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    Low temperature (14° F) and dysplay problems

    this afternoon it was less cold (35°F). The display was normal as soon as I turned on the unit (immediate), without any horizontal white lines.
  13. M

    EFIS D-100 power-down anomaly

    thankyou fo answering Yes, I run firmware 5.0. The question seems perhaps ridiculous, but : what's the best procedure for full charging the internal battery ? Marc
  14. M

    EFIS D-100 power-down anomaly

    Hello, Excuse me, but I have exately the same problems : immediate power-down when switch off, and loss of the hour. Internal power is very low (13.2 V after 1h30 flight; may be 0 before flight..). Is it usefull to change the internal battery ? Thanks Marc
  15. M

    Low temperature (14° F) and dysplay problems

    Hello, Actually, temperatures are low (14°F). Last week-end, when starting on EFIS D 100 and EMS D 120, I observed : -EMS D 120 display is immediately normal -EFIS D100 : nothing for 3-4 minutes, then display appears. Later, I have observed horizontal white lines, but each value in the...
  16. M

    EMS 120 "locked"

    Normally, you have received the EMS 120 for repair. Do You think it is possible to save the data (especially petrol gauge calibrations) before complete reset ? Best regards Marc
  17. M

    EMS 120 "locked"

    Hello, the unit was sent from France yesterday by TNT. It is the company FINESSE-MAX(Oberhausbergen), which was responsible for the ship. When you will have repaired the unit, could you tell me what was the problem ? Thanks Best regards Marc
  18. M

    EMS 120 "locked"

    There are two connectors on the back : one larger than the other. I thought that the smaller carried the power and that the larger was what you call the 37 pin connector. Anyway, we pulled the 2 connectors off the back. No result : EMS 120 lights up and gets locked on the blue startup screen...
  19. M

    EMS 120 "locked"

    we have pulled the 37 pin connector off the back, then, whe have been putting it back on, and then applying power. It didn't fix it.... Do You think it would have been interesting to try applying power BEFORE having putting the 37 pin connector back on ?
  20. M

    EMS 120 "locked"

    when I remove the power then put power back on, the unit goes back to a Blue screen