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  1. W

    DSAB connection lost

    IT WORKS :-) I went into the EFIS DSAB setup, told it to go find DSAB devices, BAM; EMS is back. EFIS sees the EMS ok and EMS sees the EFIS ok. Thanks Waiter
  2. W

    DSAB connection lost

    Neither one sees the other. EMS doesn't see EFIS and EFIS doesn't see EMS. I'll get the book out and see what I need to do to reconfigure DSAB. During my setup of the EMS fuel pressure, I do remember passing by a screen that I can tell it what order to display the different EFIS and EMS...
  3. W

    DSAB connection lost

    current firmware (5.1) on EFIS and EMS I was about 3 hours into a flight and decided to change the EMS fuel pressure warnings and alarms. When I went to the setupup screen for the EMS and started to change the settings, I noticed I had a LOST DSAB alarm on the EFIS. I didn't think anything of...
  4. W

    Fuel Level Table

    I was thinking the same thing. Disconnect the probe and temporarly hook up a variable resistor that can output the correct voltage. Then set the voltage using a digital voltmeter to coorespond to the sensors calibration table. Tell the Dynon Calibration routine that Fuel was added. I'll put...
  5. W

    Fuel Level Table

    Is there any way to perform a two point calibration, EMPTY and FULL. My fuel system uses two 17 gallon tanks that are crossconnected. Each tank has its own level sensor. In order to calibrate using the current method, I need to remove and plug this crossconnect, calibrate each sensor, drain...
  6. W

    Fuel Level Table

    I know this has been covered, but I'll ask again: Is there anywhere that I can edit the Fuel Level Lookup table. What took hours of reconfiguring my fuel system, then emptying / refilling tanks, could be done in about two minutes of editing the lookup table, Looking at the sensor calibration...
  7. W

    D10A Airspeed effects horizon and heading

    Makes sense, Thanks Waiter
  8. W

    D10A Airspeed effects horizon and heading

    I'm getting ready to start Phase I in rebuilt LongEZ. I was using a manometer to test the airspeed sensors on my landing gear. I noticed that the D10A attitude indicator and the heading indicator change when I change the airspeed Any ideas??? Waiter
  9. W

    EMS/EFIS PC Data Logging Software

    Regarding Metric/English UNITS. I Assume that regardless of what I select for display units. the serial stream will always send out the data in the units specified in the serial port interface description.. i.e. I could display my EGT / CHT in Deg C, but the serial stral still send them out...
  10. W

    EMS Data File Format

    EDITED - My original post was regarding the possibility that the EMS internally saved file may be using an incorrect EOL. I was observing a Line feed (LF) as the EOL(end of line) character. I should be either a Carriage Return (CR), OR a combination CR/LF. A user of my software was having...
  11. W

    EMS/EFIS PC Data Logging Software

    Version 3.3.7 is loaded with new features. All screens have been resized to a standard 640x480 format. These will fit nicely on most small 7 inch dsiplays. Added variable screen refresh update rates for the EFIS data and Instrument screens. This vastly improves performance for slower CPU...
  12. W

    EMS/EFIS PC Data Logging Software

    I've been at it again. I added 4 new screesn that display data, both real time, and from saved file. The screens are fixed to a 640x480 format and display EFIS, EMS, and GPS data. I'm fine tuning but have released the Beta version (3.3.0b) You can view and download the beta version from my...
  13. W

    Changes to the efis datalog stream

    The most important field is also missing from the wish list VERSION or FIRMWARE BUILD number. As Dynon continues to alter the data stream, its getting progressivly more difficult to write software that is compatable with all versions that may be in the end users hands. My vote would be to...
  14. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    OK, Good deal. I'll ignore them until you say different. Thanks Waiter
  15. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    OK,   GOT IT :) :) (DUH) I figured out the parsing: example using 0061EB This is three hex characters, each character represents 8 bits when converted from HEX to BIN. 00 = 0000 0000 61 = 0110 0001 EB = 1110 1011 0061EB = 000000000110000111101011 The LSB is all the way on the right...
  16. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    I seen that, and I studied it, and pulled out all my hair, but I still can't figure out how 6 characters of ASCII that represent HEX can get 24 bits?? AND where is the placement of the LSB?? i.e. HEX characters ZERO(0) thru F  gets me 16 bits, Thats 16 bits per character, there are 6...
  17. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    DYNON; HELP, I need information on parsing the STATUS BITMASK cgaracters in the EFIS data stream. Thanks Waiter
  18. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    Don't KNow!! The Flight DataRecorder is a VB6 EXE. The remote display is written in VB 2008. It needs Framework 3.5. The display is fixed at 800x600, Might Work??? I'm still working on it. I'll post when I put it up on my web site. Waiter I STILL NEED THE STATUS BIT INFORMATION. TNKS
  19. W

    Serial Stream Status Bits

    I'm updating Waiters Flight Data Recorder AND putting together a program to display Dynon EFIS / EMS data on a remote PC (i.e. display in back seat driven by a PC) Character #30 - #33 can represent VSI or Turn Rate. What bit in the Status bit (Character #42 - #47) represent this change. ALSO...
  20. W

    EMS/EFIS PC Data Logging Software

    I've uploaded version 3.2.8 of Waiters Flight Data Recorder on my web site. Older versions (3.2.7 and older) would record the live data stream from an EFIS, EMS and GPS, all at the same time. This new version will now allow you to read, display, and...