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  1. W

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    I've uploaded version 3.2.8 of Waiters Flight Data Recorder on my web site. This version will allow you to read, disply, and convert two types of data files. 1) A file that is created by capturing the serial data from an EFIS or an EMS device (D10...
  2. W

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    NEVER MIND, I figured out the parsing of the csv file. I'll be posting a new version of Waiters Flight Data Recorder that can read and display this data, and save it to a FDR file. Waiter
  3. W

    csv-readout of EMS, how to read???

    I'm working on my program (Waiter's Flight Data Recorder) to allow reading and display of the "cvs" files (and the raw data files that were recorded). I have two questions: 1) In the stored data file there is a field called "EMS raw data". Do you have any parsing data for this field? I...
  4. W

    EMS Data Logging

    Thanks Waiter
  5. W

    EMS Data Logging

    Thanks Waiter
  6. W

    EMS Data Logging

    Yes, The CSV file would be acceptable. Where can I find the scheema. Also, could you send me a sample? Thanks Waiter
  7. W

    EMS Data Logging

    I would like to incoporate the ability to read the EMS logged data into my program; Have you published the syntax, commands, or the scheema for retrieveing this data out the serial port? Waiter
  8. W

    Airspeed in the datalog output

    OAT is available in the EMS-10 datastream. As far as adding new fields to the datastream, its always a good idea when creating the original datastream to add "SPARES" to the stream. On the other hand, its always been my experience that the spares always seem to be the wrong format for what I...
  9. W

    more datalogging questions

    Russel et al; Try this; Hook two computers together with a null serial cable. Run Hyperterm, Or my favorite, TeraTerm Pro, on both machines. Set the speed to 115,200. I have a question about the LF and CR in your raw data file, so do this; On machine #1 type "ryryryryr". You should see this...
  10. W

    2006 Oshkosh Announcements

    EXCELLENT :) :) :) As for Screen shots, I use a digital camera all the time. Just turn off the flash. Waiter
  11. W

    Incorrect Voltage display

    FOUND IT!!!!! I had wired the left fuel sensor wrong, and this was applying 12 vdc to the "Fuel level 1" input on pin 20. This caused all the readings to be erratic, including the voltage (was reading 24vdc) Double and tripple check everything. Waiter
  12. W

    Incorrect Voltage display

    I just got my EMS10 wired up and running. This is a 12vdc installation, but the EMS10 indicates 24.2. Also, other readings seem to be incorrect, i.e. the ammeter reads -62 amps. ALSO the unit makes a click sound every 4 or five seconds. When it does this, some of the display readings peg. Did I...
  13. W


    It looks like the device you mentioned will do the job (Serial Recorder). It won't parse the data for you. It places the received data into a text file as its received. You could then read the file into Excel or Word. You'll need to come up with a way to provide power to the unit. When...
  14. W

    aero loran

    As in aviation type LORANs? WOW, this brings back memories, How far back, We used to measure the time lines with an oscilloscope, then compute our position on a chart that also showed the lines. Waiter
  15. W

    AOA output from EFIS-D10

    Reference to question #2, The data stream is being sent out from the D10(A) serial port all the time, even if there is nothing connected. AOA is part of this data stream. The operating manual provides a good description of the serial data outputs, and how to parse the data. The serial stream...
  16. W

    OAT in Serial Data Stream

    It would be nice to have the OAT in the serial data stream for Logging purposes. ;) Waiter WAITERS FLIGHT DATA RECORDER
  17. W

    EFIS/EMS PC Datalogging Software

    Sorry about that! I renamed the program to better fit the functions. When I did that, it now stores the INI file in a new location. Keep me posted on your status. Waiter
  18. W

    EFIS/EMS PC Datalogging Software

    I added a small routine in my recorder that should correct the misguided  "00 to 63" problem.  Anytime the recorder see's a new second in the EFIS data, it resets an internal counter to zero. The counter is then incremented every time a new data set is parsed. This counter is then used in place...
  19. W

    EFIS/EMS PC Datalogging Software

    EFIS seconds don’t start at ZERO – Dynon EFIS seconds are broken into 64 parts, 00 – 63. A “00” doesn’t start a new second, there seems to be a slight delay, and new second actually starts at about 05 or 06..  Look at the EFSI clock that was recorded in “Real Time”. 15:04:29.62 15:04:29.63...
  20. W

    EFIS/EMS PC Datalogging Software

    WAITERS EFIS/EMS/GPS recorder. I originally wrote this to handle all the datalogging chores of the Dynon EFIS and EMS systems during a flight, This worked out so well, I decided to add data from a GPS receiver to the file. Download and use the recorder. Please keep me advised on its...