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  1. K

    Quick question about an RV-8

    Hi Guys! I am working on upgrading my RV-8, I am doing it in steps... I want to add both roll and pitch servos this next annual with the idea of eventually upgrading to a Skyview from my D-100. The question is can you mount the roll servo under the footwell in the cockpit instead of the right...
  2. K

    Upgrading to a two axis autopilot

    Awesome!! So all control of the AP is off the bugs then? Or once the autopilot is connected you have controls via the soft keys? Thanks again!!!
  3. K

    Upgrading to a two axis autopilot

    Sorry for the possible silly question but if you have a D-100 with the latest firmware what is the cost of adding the autopilot? Do you just buy the servos or do you need the AP74 as well? Thanks!
  4. K

    Hello Dynon

    Thanks Bill! I have already surmised I will be getting the HS34 :) Now I just need to save the pennies Thanks!!
  5. K

    Hello Dynon

    Great Thank You Alan!! Sounds like the 430W would work great to start with the possibly adding a second nav radio later Thanks!!!
  6. K

    Hello Dynon

    Hi Guys :) Ok so I have a D-100 I want to upgrade the panel to IFR, I am thinking I can add a 430W and a DigiflightII autopilot. I have a SL40.. question is do I need a separate Nav head or will my D100 take VOR/ILS from the 430? Or do I need to swap the SL40 for a SL30 to get a glideslope on...
  7. K

    What kind of airplane are you flying?

    A hot rod RV-8 with D-100 ;D
  8. K

    New Firmware Release Questions

    Thanks Dynon!!! I just wanted to also let you know I abousolutly love my D-100!!! Thanks for a great Product.
  9. K

    New Firmware Release Questions

    Hello, Please forgive this very basic question but here goes.... I have a D-100 and would like to update the new firmware and add a Garmin handheld 196 for the GPS input. I love the idea of winds aloft, is it just as simply as adding the firmware and wiring the gps in. Or am I missing a...