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    AOA calibration - D10A

    I am also having a difficult time calibrating the AOA. It is installed in an RV-9. Are there calibrating techniques for RVs that don't work with the procedures in the manual? Thx. RC
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    Airspeed Markings & EDC

    Hello; 1.) I am in Phase I with my RV-9. I have updated the firmware. I have no EDC, but one is ordered. Will there be a hook-up concern? 2.) The airspeed markings for Vno is 160mph. It should be 180 I think. Is it easily changed? Thx Rolly9
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    No Heading Info??

    Dynon Employee - The last Paragraph tells me what I need to know. There never has been an EDC envolved in this installation. But I will go do the MAGCAL thing. Thanks all who replied. Rolly
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    No Heading Info??

    Jake J. - I have no EDC (Magnetometer). Rolly
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    No Heading Info??

    I'm sorry! I should have mentioned the model. It's a D10A s/n 3910. Rolly
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    No Heading Info??

    I have no EDC? All I know is that I had HDG info before the update, and now I don't. Thx. Rolly9
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    No Heading Info??

    I upgraded the Firmware from V2.8.0 to V4.0.4, but now I have no heading info - Only a message "No Heading Detected" or similar. What did I do wrong. What is the fix? Thx Rolly9
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    Airspeed reads Low

    Also the GPS altitude and the EFIS agree. But the pitch is not right. RC
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    Airspeed reads Low

    This is an RV-9. Static source is on both sides between cockpit and tail. I would think if the A/S is low, I have a Pitot leak or partial block.
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    Airspeed reads Low

    At cruise (160mph), the IAS reads 128mph. At pattern speed (80), the IAS reads 75, and this is true all the way down to the runway. Stall speed seems about right, 49 clean and 41 flaps down. Pitot leak? Thx Rolly9