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  1. R

    Anyone install 5.3?

    Yes 5.3 tested today RV-9A .9 test. Set the roll rate to zero, sens=9 Very nice in both nav & hdg. Nice job Dynon!! :) :)
  2. R

    AP losing NAV source

    I Think the "Nav source lost" is the fault of some Garmin GPS's. after charting tons of my Dynon data all I can find is the GPS sending strings of zeros (0's) that coincide with the AP dropout. A few days ago I find this on the garmin web site----"Change History Changes made from version 3.90 to...
  3. R

    AP losing NAV source

    Hello. Finally got some time to look at this more. Set the EFIS & EMS to record data @3 seconds, cleared old data, set Garmin to autopilot mode, sends data every second (gprmc,gprmb,gpbwc,gpbxte,gpapb with*). Went flying, after about 10.min. Nav source lost alarm... Excel chart shows the gps...
  4. R

    AP losing NAV source

    Hello, Any fix for this yet? Reseting is getting old.
  5. R

    AP losing NAV source

    Sorry, lost a few lines on my copy/paste. fixed. Yes this Garmin has about 5 mode combos to choose from. I'll try to fly tomorrow and see what I can document, what MNEA group holds the nav source.
  6. R

    AP losing NAV source

    Dynon, this might be of some help? I have documented the following- The good: no nav source lost with the lower 7 sentences (yet) $GPGLL,4725.7503,N,09223.3261,W,224254,A,A $GPBOD,,T,,M,, $GPVTG,11.7,T,11.6,M,0.0,N,0.0,K,A $HCHDG,137.8,,,0.1,E...
  7. R

    Battery drain

    My battery was also drained. Talked to Dynon about it... I disconnected the keep alive power problem solved! They never did keep time anyway.