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  1. R

    PDA connection to Dynon D100 Autopilot

    What do I need to connect my HP iPaq 4700 to my Dynon D100 and the autopilot. I have a bluetooth GPS, SL30 and a GTX327. Is there a special bluetooth connector for the Dynon?   Randy
  2. R

    Next Gen

    I am nearing the time to finish my panel. I had cuout and installed the tray for the D100. Will the next Gen fit in this opening?  When is the estimated date of delivery of the Next Gen units?
  3. R

    Anywhere Map Compatibility to Autopilot

    Does the Anywhere Map integrate  fully with the new Dynon Autopilot.  If not, what are the issues.  
  4. R

    Bench test for Dynon 10A

    Connected the unit using pins 1 & 3 for 2 days. Still nothing. Removed the battery and checked it. No power at all. Tried charging via 12 v battery to pins 1 & 3 for 2 days. Still nothing. Any ideas?  Randy
  5. R

    Bench test for Dynon 10A

    I purchased my 10A several years ago, as I optimistically, and mistakenly figured I would be using it within the next year or so. Wrong!! Anways, I pressed the "on" button today, and nothing happened. Is the backup battery toast? Is there a way to power it up on the bench for testing before I...