Search results

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    Rotax 915 support

    We have several aircraft with the 915 now flying with SkyView HDX. We had to modify a pressure sensor range to use for fuel pressure, and customers report that the 915 works well with SkyView.
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    Serial Port Encoder

    Luis, The serial output of the SkyView should work with your transponder. Please look in the SkyView Installation Manual which can be downloaded here: Pages 4-25, 4-26 should answer...
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    High pressure sensor for M14P

    Complete dual engine support is something we intend to add to the HDX. No date at present.
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    eBay Warning!

    When Dynon scraps a product, we send it to a local electronics recycler who are contracted to break it down into individual materials and dispose of ecologically here in the Northwest.  Last year there was a batch of products with which they did not do this, and instead sold to an over-seas...
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    Traffic to ForeFlight with V15 software?

    It looks like they have implemented it different from what they and us talked about last year. We'll have to adapt our software a little. We'll let you know.
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    bench testing static and pitot ports

    Concerning the airspeed, all pitot static systems work the same. Airspeed is just the difference in pressure between the pitot and static. So if the pitot is left at ambient air pressure (no ram air from moving or wind), and the static has a pressure applied to it, then airspeed will indicate...
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    No traffic targets shown on approach plates

    Thank you for that; good information. SkyView does not show traffic on geo-referenced approach plates at present.
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    D180 grey screen

    Please contact our tech folks. If you paid to fix a screen problem a year ago, they will want to know about it.
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    bench testing static and pitot ports

    Airspeed will change with a change in the static pressure. The instrument should meet FAR static leakage requirements. It depends on what "slowly equalizes" means. What is slowly? And how are you pressurizing the static line? Everything will leak eventually. So your question becomes "is the...
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    Grand Rapids releasing GPS LPV approach capability

    Carl, to directly answer your question, there is nothing on the horizon. The Avidyne IFD440 is a great GPS Navigator, and our best advice would be to purchase and use it.
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    No traffic targets shown on approach plates

    Interesting question. What traffic system and device are you using in Europe?
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    Dynon Certification... not to worry.

    TAKING EXPERIMENTAL INTO CERTIFIED You have heard that Dynon is “going certified,” and a few of our customers have expressed concern that Dynon will lose focus on the E-AB community. Not to worry! Here’s why. EXPERIMENTAL: We are not taking certified bureaucracy and prices into...
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    HITS and GTN-650

    If you have a flight plan entered and you are NAV-ing it with VNAV enabled, the FD will show you the pitch required to attain the VS (or IAS) to your altitude set in the bugs. Lateral is a function of the GTN, if you have the GTN selected for navigation. Pitch is a function of SkyView bug...
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    How To Limit Layout Options

    Interesting question. The best I can do for now is confirm that this is how it operates, and that there is no way to limit the options in the rotation.
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    I agree. This thread started out inflammatory, which is never a good start, and isn't particularly useful. So I am locking it. Everyone, please help keep the Dynon forum civil. I am always amazed at fly-ins how pilots keep the grounds so incredibly clean. Consider this forum a fly-in. Thanks!
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    There is no conflict with Dynon radios being in an S-LSA. I think the comment had to do with the fact that with an S-LSA, the aircraft manufacturer usually chooses and installs the radio, not the end customer.
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    Fuel calibration

    What Ray said.
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    Local time on the display

    Getting rid of Daylight Savings time would also be a good first step.
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    AOA reset?

    If you perform multiple stalls during the test, it will look for and use the AOA calibration that results in the most conservative stall warning.
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    Updating databases over WiFi

    The only way to update firmware or databases, now and in the past, on any of the SkyView systems is via a USB stick. You can transfer flight plans over WiFi, but not updates or databases.