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  1. P

    Flight director&FPV

    It would be interesting to have a flight director for vertical and lateral guidance. A Flight Path Vector in terms of vertical and lateral track, flight path angles would be appreciated as well. Thank you.
  2. P

    Wind vector on D100

    Wind intensity too high on D100 with release 5.1.1 I´ve recently updated to release 5.1.1 and I´am reading a too high wind intensity indication. Example: Tail wind (W) reads 40, GS 160, IAS 120, TAS 140. Wind should be 20 instead of 40. It appears that you make W=GS-IAS instead of W=GS-TAS...
  3. P

    Next Gen is now Dynon Skyview!

    Glide Slope in the Skyview! Will I have a GPS GS (Glide Slope) displayed on the screen at the Skyview with your new introduced GPS antenna/reciever??, I mean with no Garmin installed. Thank you!
  4. P

    Dynon EFIS 5.1 software bug

    EFIS D-100 got crazy I´am aware of the bug. Just to inform that my EFIS D-100 (part nbr: 100533-001, bought on 4/15/2008) has got crazy since updating from 5.0 to 5.1 release. The horizon is completely unreliable. Banks of 10º on either sides responds with 60 to 80º on the display. Turn...
  5. P

    HSI not Synchronised on course

    You were right, the trouble was at the NMEA advanced setting set to fast instead of normal. You guy´s are really good !!!. Now the HSI is working back again. Thank you for so soon answer!!. :D
  6. P

    HSI not Synchronised on course

    I have recently upgraded my EFIS d100 from version 4.0 to version 5.O. I have noticed afterwards that when I select a GO TO waypoint from my GPS GARMIN 196 (rather old but sufficiently enough) the HSI doesn´t points to the waypoint selected. Then I need to sniff around the HSI menu to SYNC to...
  7. P


    Please HELP!!.. I have NO GLIDE SLOPE display indication anymore at my EFIS D100 It worked once fine, but it dissapeared from screen a few days ago with no reason. I have checked: 1- HSI NAVSRC from GPS ok 2- VNAV guidance active at the GPS (GARMIN 196, very old but enough for me) 3-VNAV...
  8. P


    Thanks for answer. I´ll be watching
  9. P


    Any posibility that you develop an AIRBUS (any of A320 or A340 are quite similar) style display gauges on the EFIS??. I´am used to and it would help a lot more. THANKS!!
  10. P


    Let me check, I´ll have a look...
  11. P


    Let me insist on the matter, the part number of the harnes (100425-000) is the same that you use for sale on your web. And yes, you are right, there´s something strange !!! >:(
  12. P


    ...back on track again!!!, I confirm I have: D10A/D100/D180 Wiring Harnes Ref: 100425-000 P/N: 10-01158 LOC: 02GA, (last two lines might be AircraftSpruce Info.) Did you find what´s wrong???
  13. P


    Yes, I bought the equipment at On the other hand, let me check if they´ve sent me an EMS harness instead. I´ll try to answer you by the end of the month. Thanks for the help.
  14. P


    The 25-pin female EFIS harness that is being sold with the EFIS D100 package comes with the colors all mixed together, that is, there is no color that matches with none of the ones explained in the scheme on page 2-2 in the EFIS D100 Intallation guide. Please WATCH OUT what you guys are selling...