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  1. J

    Audio Hum

    I tried removing the music input jack, no chnage, but when I connected the SV body to the intercom body, a large reduction in the noise. I have the 6 place intercom, I thought it was the 4 place with unswitched audio inputs, does anyone know ifI parallel the Dynon audio out with the VHF audio...
  2. J

    Audio Hum

    By the way, the headsets are Lightspeed ZULUS.
  3. J

    Audio Hum

    The auto-pilot also creates noise on the audio output when the auto-pilot servos are engaged. The dimming function on fully bright and fully dim seem to eliminate the almost all of the noise. My next step is to check if the music input jack is causing the noise and I will try the idea of...
  4. J

    Audio Hum

    Thanks for the information, I have more information since yesterday. The SV output volume is around 35 to 40%, so it seems like the solution is listed under the subject, "noise" on this forum. I do see the point of not using the music inputs as they will mute, but I don't see where else to...
  5. J

    Audio Hum

    I have the same problem. I connected the SV audio output to a PS Engineering PM3000 intercom music input. The hum is directly related to the screen brightness. Only very faintly audible when turned up very bright. I double checked the grounding and I take the audio ground directly to the PM3000...
  6. J

    Manifold pressure not working after upgrade to 5.0

    IMHO the constant 24.9 MAP reading indicates that the hose has become detached at some point. If your plane is on the ground at about 4000' then this is probably the case. Otherwise if you can, try another sensor.
  7. J

    Manifold pressure not working after upgrade to 5.0

    Solution to MP not working after upgrade to 5.0. New MAP sensor solved the problem. Extremely curious why this would happen because the sensor was working fine just prior to the upgrade. Have installed a sensor not supplied by Dynon now.
  8. J

    Manifold pressure not working after upgrade to 5.0

    Today I upgraded to Skyview software version 5 on a dual display. I upgraded both screens and the other files (Sensor config files and Alert something or other file) as mentioned on the web site. After completion Manifold pressure sensor with a great big fat X through the middle. Everything...
  9. J

    AUto Trim Function with SKyview Autopilot

    Thanks for the reply. I realised from the beginning that this will be more involved than a simple input to the trim servo. It will require testing in an installation to get it working right with lots of tweaking. I am about a year away from my final installation and would really like to have...
  10. J

    AUto Trim Function with SKyview Autopilot

    I have been giving the Dynon Autopilot trim annunciations a lot of thought and have wondered whether Dynon could consider the idea I have. If the Skyview (or other Dynon EFIS is able to annunciate a triom requirement on the screen, how difficult could it be to provide a pin out for trim up and...
  11. J

    Skyview and the new Garmin GNC255A

    Thanks Jake for that info, it is helpful. I am building an RV7 and have been pricing Avionics options, Dynon Skyview definitely, but I chose an SL30 because of the lower cost of getting it to talk tot he Skyview without ARINC 429. I am not sure what you mean with Selection Description and the...
  12. J

    Skyview and the new Garmin GNC255A

    I see that Garmin has launched replacement radios for the famous SL30 and SL40. Does the new GNC255A Nav/Com integrate into the Skyview without the ARINC 429 like the SL30? In the future releases of Skyview software, are we going to see Flight Director bars with the vertical navigation being...
  13. J

    Certificate for Nav and Obstacle Data

    I can understand the point from the 2 previous replies, but this is not even for software, it is simply for permission to use somebody else's software. We pay for the data from Jeppesen or PocketFMS in addition in any case. Garmin does not charge $500 for permission to use Jeppesen data on the...
  14. J

    Certificate for Nav and Obstacle Data

    I am a loyal Dynon customer and have help sell and install many of your products. Generally I find your support and technical help and product warranty excellent. Well done for that. I do not live in the USA and have had great support all the time. I do have an issue that really really burns me...
  15. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    Great, hope this helps someone else hoping to do the same thing. Thanks.
  16. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    Feedback from the Rotax distributors here and the factory. They say the ground wire is switched with the positive remaining static with 12V or whatever the TCU voltage is at the time.
  17. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    I have sent the forum discussion to our local Rotax distributor. I will wait to see if they can come up with an answer. I have had no joy on the Rotax engine forums yet.
  18. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    Is it possible to have a simple schematic to see how the contact input should be wired. I am struggling a little to get my head around this (call me dumb). If I find out which wire is switched, perhaps I can make it work with a resistor between the 2 wires, but it seems that this may not be...
  19. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    Thanks for the information. I will do some more research on the Rotax side and try to find out which one of the wires is switched. Failing this, perhaps I will just put in the normal lamps. It would be nice to have a nicely integrated system with the same warnings and alarms for all the systems...
  20. J

    Rotax 914 TCU Warning and Caution Lights

    I am installing an SV with a Rotax 914, and I would like to have the TCU warning and Caution lights on the Skyview instead of separate lights on the panel. From what I read, it seem that the contact function in the EMS on any available GP input should do the trick. What I don't understand is...