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  1. G

    Remote Compass installation - accuracy

    :)Hey, gotcha. Now it makes sense. Thanks a bunch. :) Glastar1
  2. G


    Please consider: This alternate DG display is so transparetly easy to understand that it wouldn't require any accommodation processes in the minds of a compass reader. One wonders how in the world our common display ever became the norm. Having to read the numbers and then translate them to...
  3. G

    Remote Compass installation - accuracy

    Dear DynonSupport: Please check me out here: I suspect the important thing about the orientation of the remote unit is that it's axis coincide with the longitudinal axis of the airplane. That the orientation of the EFIS unit doesn't matter. It just reads the relationship between the...
  4. G

    Remote Compass installation - accuracy

    :-/ Gentlemen, my question relates to this task of alignment of the remote compass and the EFIS unit in my panel. I'm building a composite plane, a GlaStar, and the EFIS unit sits very near several steel tubes (elements of the cage) where the earth's field will be seriously distorted. Very much...
  5. G


    >:( Opinions Please: I have a gripe about these DG/Compass displays. All are made with the top of the display as the nose of the plane. Good Grief! We know where the nose of the pane is! What we want is where are we headed? All the present displays force us to read the numbers! I propose...