Search results

  1. J

    IFR with EMS 100 and HS34

    Substitutions are permitted for the Outer Marker: Radar NDB (Locator OM) GPS (if OM/LOM/Intersection is in db of IFR certified GPS*) Must have MB for Middle & Inner Markers (IM only Cat II/III) IFR does not require two static sources. Requirements are per the Type Certificate Data...
  2. J

    FAA DAR approval - Dynon EFIS in Experimental a/c

    Re: FAA DAR approval - Dynon EFIS in Experimental Lots of S-LSA manufacturers are putting Dynon EFIS D100's as sole equipment in their panels. And these are Certified (Standard category) LSA, not experimental. Flight Design CT, Van's RV12, Zodiak XL, etc. I wonder if they are using a blind...
  3. J

    How long before the autopilot is ready??

    Will you be offering a heavy duty servo like Tru-Trak does? My airplane has rather heavy stick forces and requires heavy duty servos.
  4. J

    CDI & Glide Slope on EFIS

    I think the center ("On") position of the LOC/GS should be in reference to the airplane symbol on the display. I.e., the On glidepath position should be directly left of the aircraft symbol; the on Localizer should be directly below the center of the airplane symbol.
  5. J

    Drone Screens for EFIS Systems

    Harbor Freight has a 12VDC B&W camera and monitor for $100.
  6. J

    OK Sun-N-Fun Underway, what's new

    I like the new EFIS display and am looking forward to getting the new software. The pictures does not show the green, white, & red ASI arcs/marks associated with Vso, Vne, etc. Are you retaining the capability to display them? I hope so, I like them.
  7. J

    VSI Display

    Hey JetJerk. Nobody is asking for an analog-type display on the EFIS. One guy put in an analog VSI because the Dynon VSI is too slow to interpret. We know how to control the VSI, but we need a VSI we can glance at and get the information without locking in on the VSI. That's called...
  8. J

    VSI Display

    It looks like this topic has come up before, but the VSI display is too small and slow to read. Any instrument pilot knows that the VSI is extremely important during approaches. We need something that we can interpret quickly without having to stare at the gage and interpret. That means...
  9. J

    Super-bright display worthwhile?

    Update: I bought the older 400-nit display and installed it but was disappointed in how dim it was. It is being upgraded to the brighter display now. When I get it back and fly it I'll let you know if it is significantly brighter than the original.
  10. J

    Black screen Part Deux! Yesterday I flew my experimental with the newly installed EFIS-D100 (2nd flight). Two of the 6 times I powered up the EFIS I got the same bad screen (as shown in the linked photo). The first time I got it, engine was off with EFIS running on ship's...
  11. J

    Auto TAS Calibration with GPS

    It would seem the best way to avoid calculated TAS errors would be to ensure you are using Calibrated airspeed instead of indicated airspeed (with all its errors) in TAS calculations. I would like to see Dynon offer a correction of IAS -> CAS at Stall/MCAS/approach speeds, and one at cruise...
  12. J

    EDC not found (sporatic)

    The problem was in my wiring. On my DB25 at the EFIS-D100 I had EDC-D10A Data A on pin 21 instead of 23 (so it wasn't connected at all). With the new EDC-D10A you sent (which was shipped with an older version of software, 1.04.00 instead of the required 1.05.00 for EFIS-D100 v1.08.00.), I...
  13. J

    EDC not found (sporatic)

    I tried unsuccesfully several times to reload my EFIS-D100 with v1.08 software. Then after disconnecting the EDC-10A from its mount (in preparation to ship it to Dynon) I tried one more time. That time I was able to successfully reload the firmware. I can’t remember if I did a check version...
  14. J

    New/Change the way the Turn Cooridator works

    You can also use 10% of your airspeed (in knots). Eg, at 90K use 9 degrees AOB.
  15. J

    Horizon guidance beyond 20 degrees

    I too would like to see pitch markings every 10 degrees throughout 360 degrees. Something like: ------- 90 --- --- --- ------- 60 --- --- --- ------- 30 --- --- --- ------- (horizon) In Navy flight training...
  16. J

    EDC not found (sporatic)

    On Thursday I finished the wiring on my new EFIS D100 with OAT. I am having a problem with the EFIS sporatically seeing the mag compass. If you leave everything alone and power up the EFIS, it generally won't recognize the mag compass, but sometimes it does. But if you put metal or a magnet...
  17. J


    ALTERNATOR FAILURE WARNING I recommend having a red alarm come up if Main voltage drops below a preset threashold. Threshhold could be set for something like 13.5 volts (on a 12VDC system). This would indicate a probable alternator failure. Background I have just purchased and installed...
  18. J

    UTC and local time differ by 30 minutes

    Re: UTC and local time differ by 30 minutes Singapore used to have be in a 1/2 time zone, but they and I had thought all others had converted to the standard hourly time zone.
  19. J

    Super-bright display worthwhile?

    Thanks. I think I'll go ahead and get the cheaper display and save a few bucks. At least for now I can upgrade for $200 at a later date.
  20. J

    Super-bright display worthwhile?

    It's going to go into an Aerocomp CA4. It's a high wing with a roof and a glare shield so maybe the less expensive display would be fine.