Search results

  1. P

    Garmin750 with D10-A

    Hello Dynon I'm about to have a GTN750 installed in my 172XP and wish to interface my D10-A with this unit. Your installation manual mentions other Garmin units but not the 750. Will my D10-A interface happily with the 750? Are there any known issues? Will I just follow the instructions for...
  2. P

    Incorrect altitude indication on D10-A

    Thanks David. I'll pull the unit out and have a look at the static port line and connectors. I'm in the Byron Bay area. You?
  3. P

    Incorrect altitude indication on D10-A

    I have a D10-A with the latest firmware version installed in my Cessna 172XP. The aircraft has just returned to service after 3 months down time during which a new engine was fitted. On powering up the D10-A all indications were normal except the altitude showed -1200ft. Adjusting QNH made no...
  4. P

    Laptop connection RS232 or USB

    Thanks for the information Jos I'll go to the computer shop and get a cable. Peter E Australia
  5. P

    Laptop connection RS232 or USB

    I have just upgraded my laptop and the new one doesn't have a RS232 port. The port in my panel is RS232. Do I simply have a cabel made up with RS232 at one end and USB at the other end or will this cause problems (I seem to remember reading somewhere that it does)? If making up a new cable is...
  6. P

    Firmware 3.0.0 upgrade problem

    Hi Dynon Support I can successfully download the new support program 3.0.0 to my flash drive. At the end of the installation to my laptop I received the following message - "Unable to execute file c:\Program Files\Dynon Support\hhupd.exe. Create process failed; code 2. The system cannot find...
  7. P

    Attitude indicator

    I'm referring just to the roll pointer. The background is great.
  8. P

    Attitude indicator

    I wish to know whether a future firmware upgrade will allow user switching between the current artificial horizon (AH) display and that found on traditional mechanical AHs i.e. when the airctaft rolls to the left in the current setup the indicator rolls to the right. This is opposite to a...