Search results

  1. T

    DG option instead of Magnetomer

    I'll second Ed's request. A EFIS DG display, or better yet an HSI display - maybe on a new D10A page, or even a separate map/nav unit - would be great. I don't want any more mechanical gyros than necessary. Dave
  2. T

    Horizon guidance beyond 20 degrees

    No apology needed...hey, it's a discussion board! I mentioned the 'point to the horizon' arrows because I've tested several EFIS systems on bizjets and helicopters and most have this feature in one form or another. They do seem to work, at least in my experience. Cheers, Dave
  3. T

    Horizon guidance beyond 20 degrees

    Another possibility would be the option of displaying down- or up-pointing arrows when pitch attitude goes past a specific limit, say +/- 30 degrees, or when the earth/sky line is no longer be visible. That would provide some easy-to-interpret recovery guidance in case of an unexpected unusual...