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  1. A

    AvMap and XM-Weather issues?

    Bill, When you turn off the weather in the Avmap setup page the weather receiver must be on and connected to the avmap's serial port.  If you don't have a weather receiver connected, the only way to get the NMEA stream back is to do a RAM clear.  This is because the Avmap unit sends a shut-down...
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    AvMap and XM-Weather issues?

    Hi Bill, First of all, once you install the new software you have to go into the settings page and turn on the NMEA output.  That is the easy part.  The real problem is that once you turn on the XM weather feature the serial port stops sending NMEA info. The problem is not a software issue...
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    D-180 GPS connection

    Which Avmap unit do you have? If you have the EKP IV and you have the data cable from avmap simply connect the yellow wire to the serial receive pin on the D180. If the GPS is connected to aircraft power and ground you don't need to run another ground with the serial wire. Make sure you have...
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    ammeter fluctation

    At the very least, can we find out if anyone tried the experiment with resistors and capacitors that Dynon mentions in the previous posts?  I know that a fluctuating ammeter is not the most critical thing in the world, but man, my eyes keep gravitating to the ammeter as it fluctuates.  It is...
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    ammeter fluctation

    Has anybody resolved the fluctuating ammeter issue yet? My ammeter indication is rock solid until the alternator is online. With the alternator charging, the ammeter fluctuates between +10 and -7 amps. The actual current (verified by a handheld ammeter) is 4 amps. Ken Pavlou
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    AOA Pitot Tube Installation

    Jeff, The foreward tube is pitot and the aft tube is AOA. Ken
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    Strange Occurance During Trim Installation

    Hi Dave, You can use a resistor in series with the wire going to the Dynon gp input. You should be able to find a resistor value that will prevent the voltage from exceeding 5 volts. I would start with a 1 meg ohm resistor and go from there. If voltage keeps exceeding 5 volts add more...
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    Strange Occurance During Trim Installation

    The white wire with green stripe from the ray allen servo which connects to the LED indicator goes from 0.225 volts to 1.52 volts. The voltage never exceeds 5 VDC and doesn't go negative. This should work just fine with the Dynon GP inputs. Do you have the analog or digital trim indicators? Ken
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    Auto TAS Calibration with GPS

    I thought the dynon AOA/pitot tube didn't have a static port.  At least the one I have doesn't.  You still have to find an appropriate location for static ports. Ken
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    Ok...I have a blank control panel in front of me. I am getting ready to cut some large holes to fit my D180, D100, HS34, SL30, GTX327 and EKP IV. My hesitation is not knowing what size and shape the upcoming Dynon autopilot will be. I've heard some rumors that it will be similar to the HS34...