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  1. R

    Marker Beacon Receiver

    MB receivers are ANCESTOR WORSHIP. Let them go the way of the AN range. I fly for a living and can't remever the last time I actually turned the thing on. Move on!
  2. R

    Light Speed Engineering interface

    My aircraft has a Plasma III ignition from LSE, as do many homebuilts. The Plasma III has three outputs, Timing degrees, Manifold pressure and RPM. All three outputs are millivolt signals, I.E. 25 degrees advance is 25 millivolts. I'd like to be able to display any or all of these on my EMS...
  3. R

    FIRE OVHT detection

    MY 180 has a type J probe connected to the GP themocouple input and marked FIRE OVHT. I placed the probe in the cooling air stream as it exits the cowling. After some monitoring of the exit air temperature on hot days, its easy to come up with a temerature number the can only exist in the event...
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    Backward Compatibility

    ARGHHHH!! Bummer, you made it a different size than the current line. Why would you do that? i'd upgrade asap but not if it means chopping up my new panel. Bummer.
  5. R

    ALT bug sync thing...

    Why does it take a double press to sync the ALT bug, while only taking the expected single press to sync the IAS or HDG? The first press syncs the bug to the top or bottom of the ALT tape and second finishes the job properly? Is this a Bug bug? :o Bob
  6. R

    Airdata accuracy

    Yep Thanks. I believe the dynon is quite accurate as well. Bob
  7. R

    Fuel level backup data values

    Fair enough! Thanks, Bob
  8. R

    EMS Fuel level alarms

    ** Problem Found *** After a nice talk with Dynon Support, They/we figured it out. Basically there is a bug in the code that interferes with alarm function on (forgive spelling) amotonic tanks. This means when my right hand tank was calibrated, the procedure ended with a "calibration...
  9. R

    Wind Arrow Accuracy

    Yep to all, about 18 inches from steel tubing in canopy frame. will check EDC angles tomorrow. Thanks, Bob
  10. R

    EMS Fuel level alarms

    Hi, I have all three though my bar is yellow not red at the bottom of the screen. I will test this function again tomorrow. All other alarms work well. Still testing, Thanks again for the help. Bob
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    EMS Fuel level alarms

    Ok so I'm still confused here. I checked my fuel level page and the alarms are and were on "self clearing". So when does the alarm activate? I set my gauge to turn red at 3.5 gallons on each tank, but I know the alarm does not activate. I get the part that the gauge turns red below 3.5...
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    Airdata accuracy

  13. R

    Fuel level backup data values

    Bummer. Can you add a big flashing warning during the cal routine or a note in the install manual about this important fact? bob
  14. R

    Fuel level backup data values

    When I calibrated my tanks, I had no paper/pen etc so wasn't able to copy down the calibration table data. Is there another was to display it so I can copy it down. Don't want to do that again! Bob
  15. R

    EMS Fuel level alarms

    What/where is a "separate setting" please? Feeling lost here.
  16. R

    EMS Fuel level alarms

    Hi, The alarm is "on" but your first sentence didn't make any sense. Can you clarify how the fuel level alarm works? When will it sound? When the fuel level gets into the red of either tank? Or when it get to the total of all tanks? The docs are quite deficient in this matter, and I must be...
  17. R

    Wind Arrow Accuracy

    Hi, Its a 180 with EDC in the tail. I going to check to make sure it's parallel with the 180. Thats the only potential error I can see. Thanks for the help. Bob
  18. R

    Airdata accuracy

    OK, I'll try that. I've seen others add a washer around the static port. Anyone know what effect that has? Bob
  19. R

    Wind Arrow Accuracy

    Yes, TAS is low. what kind of consistancy do you get around a 360 deg heading change? bob
  20. R

    Airdata accuracy

    Kevin, Yep checked for leaks, flew alongside a buddy with a dynon RV10 and our instuments were within 20 feet and 1 knot, but I'm pretty sure it is reading low. Any ideas on how to make my flush static ports increase the airspeed? Bob