3.1.1 update issues


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
Today I performed the latest update. My 2 10" skyviews have been working very well. However after the update one of my screens did exactly what the current update was supposed to remedy. I could not get it to reboot. I tried to use the #1 button to start the screen and the 1-2-5 combo for a soft reboot. At first the screen tried to start but went blank then after a couple of trys it went completely dead....any help here would be great ...thanks


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
"Completely dead" is unfortunately not what 3.1.1 fixes. The issue that 3.1.1 fixed would have the system flash the screen about 5 times over a minute, then stay on full white until you removed power.

It sounds like you have a different problem. I realize that's no better than the other problem, but I'm not sure the software update caused it.

One question: Did you update the system while running on backup battery or on ship's power?


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
Thanks Guys in the update process the A/P servos did not have power. After updating the system and then turning on the servos caused a EMS and PFD failure. Normal operation resumed upon cutting power to the servos. Not recognising the problem, I attempted this process three times. Ultimately causing the complete failure of one screen. Today I tried to reboot with the back up bat. disconnected no joy. Checked the fuse....blown, crap. replaced then did a system config w/servo pwr on ...all better. whew....today RV-7a first flight beautiful thanks great equipment Dynon