Air Data readings went a little nutty.


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
I've had the Skyview installed for a week or so but am still finishing up all of the odds and ends. I haven't yet figured out where to mount the ADAHARS yet so I've been trying different locations around the airplane to check for electrical interference. I've been using the test cable and until last night, everything seemed ok.

I still have the red plugs in the air data ports.

All of a sudden, the airspeed is showing movement between 80 knots and 260 knots. The altitude starts around 5,000 and slowly descends. The vsi shows between zero and - 500.

It was VERY HUMID here in Florida over the past few days, so humid in fact that inside the hangar, my coveralls were uncomfortably damp when I put them on last night.

Any ideas as to what would cause erroneous air data readings all of a sudden like this? Could the fact that the plugs allowed moisture inside the unit?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The sensors will not be damaged by moisture or water in the ports. It's brass, plastic, and other stuff that is safe.

Do the plugs have holes in them? They should, we normally ship this way. If not, the sealed plugs will make any air temp changes show a pressure change.

I think best bet is to remove the plugs and wait for it to dry out or stabilize in temp a bit. If it's still acting up, we should probably look at it.


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
For any other folks that run into this issue. I removed the plugs this morning and had the same result. It wasn't until around 1 PM with a pretty dry day and a more or less room temperature that everything settled down. So, at the moment, everything looks as it should.