AP Not Functioning


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
After a very long and cold winter and a late start this spring I am finally back in the air, and was anticipating I would promptly resume my efforts (per previous posts) to fine tune the roll control on my Sonex (pitch control was perfect) after installation last fall. Except the AP isn't working at all this year. I have talked with Steve at Dynon and at this point it looks like I will be sending Dynon both servos to see what the issue is. As a long shot I will first try reloading the latest FD180 firmware to see if that resolves things.

In case anyone else has any ideas, both servos were working fine when I stopped flying for the winter last November. Then when I went to fly for the first time this year a few weeks ago, the pitch servo showed a consistent ERR indication and the roll servo indicated OFF but would not work. This soon also changed to an ERR indication. I checked the wiring and both have power. I reconfigured the network and only one servo (roll) was found. I recalbrated this (roll) servo and recieved a successful indication but the Test compoonent of the process failed, ie the servo/controls did not move.

Any other ideas are welcome, otherwise I'll be shipping the servos to Dynon sometime next week.




Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia

I'd remove the disconnect wires from the respective servos & test again, this is a smile job & may find the area where the fault is - worth a try ;)

Jake J