AP74 Bug Heading


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Hello Again Dynon,

Hope you can help, as in previous posts which were resolved after upgrading everything to the latest software version, i am now finding that when the AP74 is in nav mode it flies like an airliner spot on, when its in track mode it flies like an airliner spot on however, when the AP74 is in heading mode the plane becomes Kamakasi.
Primarily the heading bug defaults to my current heading when pressed on but when i turn the bug say 20 degrees to the right to set a new course the plane starts hunting towards the new heading then goes beyond that heading approx 20 degrees further on from the new bug heading then starts a mad roll in the opposite direction back to catch the bug which it then misses again by 20 degrees in the opposite direction and then the plane starts its hunt back to the bug until after its had 4 or 5 attempts it finally settles on the new bug heading. This has only happened since the software upgrade the AP74 was spot on prior to upgrade, the sesitivity was always set at 20 on the roll servo, yesterday i tried it at 25 no change in action in flight stiil mad and then sensitivity down to 15 no change can you help please????? :D :D


New Member
Jun 9, 2011
Bonny Scotland
Hi Brantel

Same remote compass in use, fitted for a while now which is spot on the mark with other readings although after software upgrade now that u say, the ticker tape seems "slack" thats the only thing i have noticed ie rolls left then right cant think what would cause that because nothing has been touched :eek:


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
I would recalibrate it.  Make sure all the correct numbers are entered into the setup menu.

I have heard reports that sometimes software updates mess up the compass calibration.  I have not experienced that myself though.

While HDG mode most likely will never be as stable as TRK or NAV, it should be pretty good.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
As the other posters have suggested, we'd also recommend recalibrating the heading. Does heading performance seem OK when you're flying the airplane by hand? Also, as mentioned, do make sure to get the magnetic inclination and total field intensity from the tool linked to on the support tab of our website.