Balance Ball backgroud


New Member
Apr 22, 2005
I use a D10 in an ultralight (ATEC Zephyr) and have done for over 18 months. I find it very useful and readable except for the balance ball. The original ball was a black outline that was almost impossible to see. This has now changed to a full black ball which is better. However, would it be possbile to change the background on which the ball moves to white so that it shows up easily and can be read cross cockpit? This would more closely resemble the normal mechanical balance ball.


Frank Debold(Guest)

I would like to see the "ball" moved up when the menu is present. The EFIS is the only turn cordinator I have in my RV and whenever I have a menu up on the EFIS it's obscured. Simply moving the ball up when the menu is present would fix this.


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
Ball during AOA calibration

One problem I've had is while calibrating the AOA you lose the ball. You are doing stalls while calibrating the AOA, so this is a time you really need it. I'm sure it's hard to have it move to another part of the screen, but maybe you can move the counter to one of the left or right data displays.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The actual ball currently has a white center and a black outline in EFIS-D10 software versions 1.10 and later and EFIS-D10A software versions 2.03 and later. We have been told that this makes the ball much more visible, without taking up lots of space for a white "bar" as a background. We suggest that you upgrade your software if your unit is not currently displaying the ball this way. If the behavior is still not as we described, please call or email us about the problem.

Regarding moving the ball to display while in the menu, this is an oft-requested feature and is on our list for inclusion in EFIS-D10A software.