Can not connect to Solfware anymore


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
Bought my D-100 and D-180 at sun and fun in 2006. Solfware 1.08. Choose not to update due to the fact how I wired them up. Very happy with how the D-100 gets info from the D-180 and how they are going to work. I am getting ready to fly my RV-7 that I am finishing up for the first time in about a month. During all of this time building I have been able to hook up to them and communicate. My computor got a virus, had to get another Lap Top. I call you and requested Solfware for 1.08 and you just told me to download off of your webb site and that it should work. WELL IT DOSEN'T!! Even tryed another Lap Top, still won't connect. I need some help here as I need to connect to them badly soon.
I would appriciate some help
Don Short


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to do. If they are already running version 1.08 and you are happy with that, why are you trying to hook a PC up to them?

You should be able to use our latest support program (5.2) to take backups, and update checklists. These are the only things I can think of that you do with the PC program besides doing a software update. Are you saying that the 5.2 support program does not work?

At the same time, we don't consider it a good idea to be running software that is 3.5 years old, and we would like you to reconsider running new software. The only wiring change that might be needed is the DSAB wires between the D100 and the D180, and if you can see the EMS on the D100 you already have that.


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
Thanks for the reply:
I tryed about a year ago to up date to a newer version and I guess because the wires were not right they didn't work so I used a backup to reinstall 1.08

Getting on them was a primmary reason I went with Dynon. I just want to get on them to up date my list and download flight information. I am very happy with the way they work now.
Sence I lost my original solfware I downloaded the solfware 5.2 from your webb site. My problem is I can't get connected to them at all now with my new lap top even if I wanted to up date them to 5.2. My lap top also freezes up and I have to turn it off and then back on.  If I could get connected I would be able to do all of this.
The problem might be with the driver??? I have tryed it with the disk in the drive and it still won't connect. Does the driver have to be 5.2 also? Just not sure what to do.
What wires would I have to change in the connection between the d-100 and d-180? I really don't see any advantage to doing this unless you convince me otherwise.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The list of things we have changed and added to the D180 since 1.08 can be found here:

In short, HSI, datalogging (EFIS and EMS), % power, GPS assist, better screen layouts, D180 firmware getting corrupted on power cycles, better mag cal, autopilot.

If 5.2 is locking up on you, that is the new computer and driver, not the fact that it's the 5.2 support program. You do need to get that worked out first. What USB-serial cable are you using and what computer operating system? The driver version has nothing to do with the support program, but it does vary over operating system.


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
I am using window xp and not sure on the usb cable, not at home for the rest of the week.