Clock Setting after 3.0.0


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
This is a fyi report of what is seemingly just a minor glitch - after uploading 3.0.0, and with the "Modern" display selected, I selected the clock page to reset the time. There are two windows, one for local time, one for zulu time. Same as my earlier version. The local window read 1017. I expected the zulu window to show 1517. Instead it showed a non-sensical 2346. Oh well, I thought I'd just set the local time and ignore the zulu display. I could select the third digit from the left and enter a new number, but I could not select the 4th digit (the minute digit). Strange. But then I found I could select the 4th digit on the zulu display and have it reflected in the local display. Success! The correct local time now is displayed on the main EFIS display, so no real problem. The zulu clock is still non-sensical but since its not displayed I guess there's no big deal here. Just a curious glitch. FYI and thank you for a truly magnificent product and upgrade service. I couldn't be happier with it!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Why is 23:46 a nonsensical Zulu time? That's 14 minutes before midnight.

In any case, yes, we only allow you to set the minute on zulu time, since zulu and local always share a minute. We do allow adjustment of the 10s minutes in local because some time zones are 30 minutes off from zulu and it's just easiest for us to let you adjust this wherever you want.

It may seem a little strange, but it is doing exactly what we expect it to.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Ah, so you're saying that the minutes shown under Zulu time are not synced to the minutes shown under local time?


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
I think I was startled to see zulu so radically different, and stopped thinking straight (a failing often mentioned by my wife). When I saw 1017 local I was expecting zulu to be 1117, 0r 1317, or 1617 or some other hour ending in 17. Now that I see your reply, I see the wisdom of your design is far exceeding my preconceived notions. Thanks for helping me understand. I'll double check the sync on the minutes and report back if I get perplexed agin.


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
After installing 3.0.0 my time looked hay-wire too. It showed a time spread that didn't appear correct, I will check it again.

How do you switch from traditional view to the new view? I saw something in the site text about going to the set-up, and that is where it can be switched. My D100 is showing altimeter and air speed with white background and black numbers. It looks pretty much like the same view that I have always had. In some of the photos it appears there is a black background with white letters, and I haven't seen the trend bar. Is there a new operation manual?



New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Thanks for the direction to the pages with the instructions I needed to navigate the latest firmware changes. I switched to the "modern" screen option. It was fun to figure out all the different screen options and displays. After a couple of trials with different displays I think I'm set for a while. ;D