D180 and GPS


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
On my longeze I just recently redid my panel with a D180 and and EZ Pilot Autopilot. I use a Dell PDA with Anywhere map (AWM) and a blue tooth receiver. The folks at AWM provided me a cigarette lighter plug to power both the PDA and the bluetooth GPS receiver and a additional line that should have GPS on it. I am having trouble getting AWM to specify format on line. EzPilot is specific but the Dynon installation manual is also not specific. To make a long story short I can not get GPS signal from PDA to be recognized on either DYNON or EZPilot.

I may have to buy another GPS receiver without a display to drive these devices. No more panel room

Any input would be appreciated.

Chuck Fosha


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa
The efis expects NMEA 0183 at 9600 (and off the top of my head I think 19200 too) baud...

Does that help? :)

I'd suggest that using bluetooth connections inside an aircraft to be a bit dodgy though... Be careful that your radio isn't affected by it - I could be wrong to raise this as a potential issue (because bluetooth runs at 2.4GHz and a radio at 130MHz), but you could find some harmonics interference between both devices... Try it, but be mindful ;)

Also make sure that the GPS can support multiple outgoing bluetooth connections, one to the PDA and the other to the cable (if the cable has a bluetooth receiver on the end rather than a physical connection).


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Last time we checked, AWM doesn't output flight plan data on the serial line (like the courseline), so it's worthless to drive an autopilot or the D180. Unless they have changed the software in the last few months, it won't work.


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
There is a posting on the AWM website discussing the fact that the Dell pda's do not output a signal for the autopilot and therefore the dynon either. I have a similar setup but use a HP ipaq to output to my Dynon and Autopilot. The only issue is that Anywheremap doesn't provide the necessary sentences to drive the HSI course line. It remains fixed at 360. Hope this helps.
