DG option instead of Magnetomer


Paul Lee(Guest)

Please Dynon, consider putting a DG simulator option on D10/D10A where you simply set the direction before flight - like a normal DG. The magnetometer is a pain in the neck in some situations. I don't mind setting the direction since I have to do the baro anyway. Should be not too difficult in software - you got those gyros in there anyway.

My magnetomer is still not working. Otherwise I am happy with my D10 - 75hrs so far.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
To be honest, we'll never do a "set it yourself" DG. With a remote magnometer, most customers can get accuracy within a few degrees at all headings. Allowing the user to seperate the DG display from the magnetic heading that we are sensing isn't something that we think would be a safe solution. While we do have a "gyro" inside the EFIS, integrating heading over a long time wouldn't be very accurate. Do a loop, a few uncordinated 720 degree turns, or other agressive manuvers, and we'd be off just as much as a normal DG would. No reason to allow the heading indication to be off that much when you have a perfectly good magnetometer reference.

We have considered doing a "DG" type display, and we hope to add something like this in a future SW release. But it will be slaved to the same gyro-stabilized magnetic heading that we currently display at the top of the screen.

We are sorry to hear that your magnetometer is not working. What problems are you having with it? Do you have a remote compass or an internal compass?

Once it is calibrated, I don't think any of our customers would call it a "pain." It prevents any drift of the heading indication over time which makes flying safer overall.

Paul Lee(Guest)

"Once it is calibrated...." but doing that is the pain. Dont have a compass rose at our airport. Tried again today. We laid down white strips of N-S tape. Then went through the careful 50 min process trying to calibrate it and then in flight when I hit the END button it crashed my PC (IBM X31 thinkpad). All that work. Will try again someday when I have the time and right weather (when???). My is internal magnetometer but its a pusher with all the heavy battery cables on the back - so should be ideal for internal. The panel compass on other side of panel works fine.

Maybe I'll have to buy a regular DG if I can't get past the calibration stage. That would be too bad. The DG option would at least give me something to fly with until some just-right-lucky-day I get the calibration done.

Ed Silvanic(Guest)

Yes, I have been pushing Dynon for some kind  DG/HSI/RMI full screen format. A duplicate EFIS10A unit that can switch out to a full screen DG would be great. I would much rather have a glass DG instead of a standard electric DG. To have a HSI/RMI or even CDI would be fantastic. A pair of EFIS 10A's or piggy back combo, would be, I think very marketable. If one fails totally you still have a unit to totally back you up. As an Airbus A300 operator, I would feel right at home.


New Member
May 8, 2005
I'll second Ed's request. A EFIS DG display, or better yet an HSI display - maybe on a new D10A page, or even a separate map/nav unit - would be great. I don't want any more mechanical gyros than necessary.
