discovering bug values / setting bug values


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
Florida, US; Zodiac 601 XL
No... not sw bugs...

1) Is there a way to query for, or discover, the value of the three bugs in the EFIS?
2) Is there a way to set the bugs from an external source?

Doug N.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I assume question 1 means "from outside the EFIS." If that's true, the answer is unfortunately no to both questions.


New Member
Nov 2, 2006
Speaking of the bugs, how about a way to delete or reset all of the bug settings with a single button push? It would really simplify things.


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
Florida, US; Zodiac 601 XL
The bugs are wonderful visual references; but for true utility they should communicate their values to external entities (and potentially accept external input and set their value accordingly).

Suppose for example I could set the heading of my autopilot by setting the bug on the D100. That would be quite useful.

Continuing that line of reasoning: suppose I set my altitude bug and that commanded a climb/descent to the bugged altitude on the autopilot.

Perhaps I am spoiled by the G1000 I have been flying; but you're so close to that capability - and it's my goal for the Zodiac I just ordered - and for which I specified your equipment. While I also liked the idea of the HS34; as it currently is I found it hard to justify purchasing one when all it would do is set a bug - which doesn't really do anything yet.

Following another line: since it's clear that the HS34 and the D100 communicate their values using the DSAB; is the DSAB format/protocol going to be opened up to partner developers? What would be / is the agreement needed to offer such a partnership?

(BTW: is your production ramping up well?)

All the best,

Doug N.
AMD Zodiac N601DN


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We could output bugs all day. The autopilot manufacturers don't accept input in serial format for bus, so there's not much we can do.

DSAB will not be an open protocol. It's a system that would require us to change our software for any devices put on the bus, and it's also at the heart of our stability which we don't want people messing with. Serial will continue to be supported to get data out of our units, just like it is today.

Production is going wonderful. Orders are going even more wonderful! ;)


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
We could output bugs all day. The autopilot manufacturers don't accept input in serial format for bus, so there's not much we can do.
Why not output bug settings on a serial or 429 bus, document the format, and leave it to 3rd parties to produce converter boxes to interface with various autopilots.  If enough people are interested, converter boxes will come on the market.  Similarly, if the EFIS could accept bug settings from an external source, and you documented the input format, interested 3rd parties could produce the required interface boxes to drive the bugs.


New Member
May 4, 2007
Why not output bug settings on a serial or 429 bus, document the format, and leave it to 3rd parties to produce converter boxes to interface with various autopilots.  If enough people are interested, converter boxes will come on the market.  Similarly, if the EFIS could accept bug settings from an external source, and you documented the input format, interested 3rd parties could produce the required interface boxes to drive the bugs.

I like that idea. That way I might be able to get the remote course select and remote heading select knobs I'm wanting.

It seams like the D180 already has some of that functionality as the course select comes via RS232 from my 496 in GPS mode and from my SL30 in VOR mode. One very annoying problem is that you can not select the course with the SL30 when a LOC freq. is active, it must be done by punching soft-keys on the D180.

It seams like there might be enough demand for an autopilot interface box (with heading/course select knobs) that would have AC, DC, and serial outputs to interface with most autopilots.

Question for Dynon, does the HS34 output the course select to a SL30 or does that still need to be done with the knobs on the SL30?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The HS34 will also output the bugs on the ARINC-429 bus. So go tell your autopilot manufacturers to implement ARINC-429 and listen to the correct labels ;)


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa
The HS34 will also output the bugs on the ARINC-429 bus. So go tell your autopilot manufacturers to implement ARINC-429 and listen to the correct labels ;)

I think that A-429 may be overkill for most people in this discussion. It's a $500 solution to a $10 problem. Although you do have a point about maintaining standards...

A couple of months ago, I suggested a few changes to the datastream, but didn't get much interest (although, one of the changes were made - outputting pressure alt :) ). Now that a number of people are asking for the same thing, is it maybe time to revamp the output completely? Somewhere in the forum archives is the old wishlist that went around...

To maintain compatibility, a user could choose serial stream v1 or v2, v1 being the current stream.