EFIS Display


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
I have a D10 installed in my now-flying RV9A (maiden flight April 23).  Works great!  Remote compass and oat is working flawlessly.  Of course, I am extremely jealous of the newer larger displays that are currently shipping...... oh well....

A few operational questions that I don't see in the literature.

When I set the barometric pressure, I see varying amounts of error in the indicated altitude when compared to the field elevation.  None have been large - 40 feet to 60 feet at times.  If I use the alt-adj function, the next time I check (a few days later), I find that I need to adjust the altitude again to get back to field elevation.

I also see some discrepancy between the indicated altitude when in flight, and the altitude readout from my King KT-76C transponder (Dynon encoder used to drive the transponder).  Sometimes it is right on and other times as much as 200 feet off - suggestions for solving this?

Finally - I am working on a small project that requires the use of a small screen that has all the characteristics of  the one used in the D10/D10A - daylight visible, wide viewing angle, 4" size or thereabouts.  Can I get some information on the source of the screens used in the D10/10A?

Thanks -

Brian Southard
RV9A - 30 hours in flight!



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Note that as the unit comes up to temperature, the indicated altitude can change a bit. If the amount of alt-adj you needed was much bigger than you are reporting, we'd probably want to have the unit back to recalibrate it for you.

The indicated altitude and altitude reported to the transponder should differ if the baro setting is not 29.92. The FAA requires that the altitude reported be pressure altitude, which is what your altimeter reads if you set it to 29.92.

We do not publish information on the components that are used in the manufacture our products.


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
My D10, recently upgraded to D10A, is doing the same thing as Brian's. I have found, as you say, that it settles down after it warms up. Since I have the internal battery, can I turn on my unit, with battery power, while I'm preflighting my plane and leave it own when I crank the engine? All my training is to wait until after starting to switch on all the electronics but I'm hoping your unit is protected enough from spikes that I can take advantage of this additional warm up time.
Dennis Scearce
Mooresville, N.C
Searey amphib


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's fine to have the EFIS on during engine start. Feel free to follow your plan and turn it on as you pre-flight and then leave it on as you start the plane.

Even if you turned it off at some point, this wouldn't matter too much- the issue is with the whole unit stabilizing in temperature, not how long the EFIS has been on, so if you turned it off just during engine start and turned it right back on, it would still help it stabilize.