EMS Data File Format


New Member
May 29, 2005
Northwestern Ohio
EDITED - My original post was regarding the possibility that the EMS internally saved file may be using an incorrect EOL. I was observing a Line feed (LF) as the EOL(end of line) character. I should be either a Carriage Return (CR), OR a combination CR/LF.

A user of my software was having problems parsing the file. When I looked at the file he sent me, I noticed it didn't have any CRs in it. DUH, I'm trying to parse a data string that is 2 meg long instead of a couple hundred characters.

I think he was reading the file with  Excel, saved it from Excel, then tried to get my program to read it. I think when he saved it with Excel, it may have truncated the CRs.

If anyone else is experiencing this problem, let me know and I'll have to figure out a way to work around the incorrect EOLs.
