Fuel flow functions and GPS on SV.


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
South Africa
I have just completed an installation of SV. It looks and feels great, but there are some questions I have about some of the functions.

1. There seems to be no other function available for fuel flow other than just displaying current fuel flow. Can we expect more functions in the future similar to the other Dynon products where fuel capacity and endurance are available. This information along with GPS destination data would be wonderful? The D100 and D180 have these functions.

2. I have coupled a Garmin 196 to serial port 1 and set it up as described in the manual. The RX counters show that it is receiving data, but it seems to have no other effect on the SV. If I enter a no other functionality is added to the PFD. What additional data should I see on the the PFD if the navigation GPS is functioning correctly and coupled to the SV?

3. The fuel flow transducer (Red Cube) supplied by Dynon, indicates a general K factor of 68 000 pulses per US gallon. If this value is entered, is it the same if litres are selected as the units? The previous EMS versions had a formula in the manuals for corrections to be applied, do these apply here as well?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1) Yes - the fuel computer is in development.

2) Version 2.0, due out shortly, will feed the HSI display like it can on our other products.

3) Same value applies regardless of units; the conversion is handed by the unit. Yes, those same correction factors can be applied to dial in the fuel flow.

Also, check out http://dynonavionics.com/docs/news_technology_preview.html for a list of features that are in-development.