Hot/Inaccurate EGT Probe


New Member
Jun 13, 2006
I've been flying my RV-10 with the 6 cylinder EMS-D10 now for 14 months and 190 hours. In the last 15 hours my #2 cyl EGT was showing >1500 when it is normally in the low 1400 when I run lean of peak. I initially thought something was up with the cylider, so I cleaned plugs and injectors and no change. I then swapped the probes for #2 and #4 cylinder and test flew it and now the #4 cyl is >1500 while the #2 cyl is around 1400. So it is diffently an issue with the probe. This bad probe is also very unstable and bounces around and gives false peaks. How long are these probes expected to last? Do they need to be cleaned? If so how? If this is a bad probe, can Dynon send me a replacement probe?

Ray Doerr


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Ray, we suggest you pull the EGT probe and take a look at it. It's probably totally eaten away and is falling apart.

We consider EGT probes to be consumable items. As far as we've heard, 200 hours on an engine that is run LOP a lot isn't a totally abnormal lifetime for an EGT probe. We'd actually suggest checking all 4, since they usually wear at near the same rate and you'll probably start to get failures on the others soon. You can get replacements from us, or any K-type EGT probe from anyone will work.