
New Member
Jul 21, 2007
So, the HSI will display marker beacon and audio. Is it "legal" for IFR operations as sole indicator (ie, could you get your craft IFR certified)? Is it smart? As a neophyte is it even possible to have output going from an SL30 to both a conventional CDI and D100 at the same time? Thanks.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm not going to jump on the "legal" aspect of it, but you can definitely have the SL30 output to a conventional resolver CDI and the D100 simultaneously. And as for smart, I don't see why not. The SL30 has an internal CDI that will give you lateral guidance should the D100 fail.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Absolutely, I did replace a Sandel SN3308 with an additional D10A and I only can tell you good things about. Furthermore you get now the CDI readbck on the EFIS ADI what is another big benefit and makes using it easier and better.

Kind regards

Thomas ;-)


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I have flown many ILSes (plus localizer and VOR approaches) with the D100's HSI. No problems whatever.

I do still have an external resolver-type CDI in view, but I hardly look at it anymore. I suppose I would in case the D100 went off line at an inopportune moment, though...


New Member
May 4, 2007
I don't like that there isn't a course select knob or heading select knob (but both are comming with the HS34 if you have room).

An annoying quirk with the HSI and SL30 is that you can't move the course select with the SL30s knobs when a LOC freq. is active. You either have to select a VOR freq., select the correct course with the SL30 and then switch to the LOC freq. or, select the correct course with the HSI soft-keys. I don't know if the HS34 fixes this.

Another "quirk" is that my D180 HSI has an annoying habit of switching off if there is any interuption in the data from the VOR or GPS. I've got to manually select the nav input with the soft-keys to get it back. Dynon claims to have made the connection more robust with the July update but I've yet to verify this.

I'd like to see any unreliable indications flaged with a big red "X" and automaticly resume when the signal return (ala Sandel).


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
Unless I've missed something important in the regs concerning experimental aircraft I don't believe you ever get your aircraft "certified" IFR. You will receive an airworthiness certificate with operating limitations requiring you to meet the equipment standards for night and/or IFR flight. Other than that I do not believe you will ever have a specific IFR certification. The question always comes up concerning whether or not your IFR equipment must be TSO'd to be legal. Check out the EAA website...general consensus is it is not required for experimental aircraft. However, you probably have to be a lawyer to know for sure and even those guys are confused....


New Member
Apr 1, 2007
Just looking at using our existing Dynon D10a as HSI with glideslope, with HS34 and new navcom (and adding a D100 as main EFIS). I note that warning flags will appear when using the SL30...will they work with other makes of Nav/Comm?
Do the marker beacons appear on the screen as well ?
Has anyone got much experience of the HS34 link yet?
Look forward to your thoughts.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Hello Henrik,

You don't say what Nav/Comm you are using, which may help the Dynon guys respond to your question more accurately. However,
I have a similar arrangement with a D100 as my EFIS and a D10A as my HSI using a Garmin 430 and HS34. All the flags (To, From, NAV, GPS, BC) appear on the D10A HSI screen and all the functions work fine, including VOR CDI, ILS LOC and ILS GS. You also get all the text info like TAS, NAV frequency, Bearing,Ground speed, winds and so on. I also really like the additional GPS indicator you can put up on the screen when you are in NAV mode. I have an RST marker beacon reciever, and it drives the marker beacon indicators just fine. I am not too sure how it would work with other recievers. When you say "HS34 link" are you referring to the DSAB connection between the Dynon units? If so, then I have quite a few hours on my plane with the HS34 installed, and I have had not problems with the version 4.0 firmware. So I find using the D10A to display the HSI and the D100 for the EFIS a really perfect solution, and you always have the D10A as a backup EFIS should you need it.

Best Regards,
Mel Jordan


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The SL30 is a unique case- it outputs all data over serial. With the SL30, you don't even need the HS34 to display everything. It's the only NAV radio that doesn't need the HS34 though.

The HS34 adds ARINC-429 and analog radio interfaces which many other radios use. If the radio puts out the flags, the HS34 can probably read it. If we can read it, we display it. To answer your question further, we'd really need to know what radio you are looking at using.

The HS34 also has marker beacon inputs. You still need an external marker beacon receiver, but if that reciever has outputs to drive external indicators, you can wire the receiver into the HS34. The HS34 can even generate the tones for the markers if you don't want to wire lots of stuff into your intercom.


New Member
Nov 10, 2005
If marker beacon signals are input into the HS34, how are they displayed? I couldn't find documentation on this feature.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
They show up on the HSI page, to the right of the heading display (upper right). They are "O" "M" and "I" icons in the correct colors.
You do appear to be correct that there is no image of them in the manual. Thanks for catching that.


Jul 26, 2007
Grand Junction Colorado
If marker beacon signals are input into the HS34, how are they displayed? I couldn't find documentation on this feature.

Roger Johnson
Long EZ N34JR

I ran into this a few weeks ago. The O, M and I icons appear on the HSI as Dynon support mentioned. They are displayed all the time. When you go to the test mode of your receiver, all three icons disappear for the test.

When you are actually receiving one of the beacons, they flash off and on but they don't increase in intensity, unlike a lighted marker bulb. The displayed icon just disappears and reappears the the original displayed intensity.

Bill Marvel


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Bill, they should not be displayed all the time- if they are, you have the "Active when" selection in the HSI setup backwards.

We expect that when set up properly, they will not be shown until active. Doing a test should make all of them appear, and then in real use, only one will be on at a time.

As you mentioned, they are binary, so they are either on or off, no dimming.


Jul 26, 2007
Grand Junction Colorado
Very interesting! Thanks for the information. Since there was nothing in the manual about how the marker lights should appear, I thought I was done when I got them to work. Apparently I have them working in a mirror image format and not as intended. I'm surprised they functioned at all that way but I'll change the setup next time I'm out at the airplane. I have to admit it seemed strange at first to see all three lights "illuminated," but once one of them started flashing and the tone came through it was just fine with me.

Bill Marvel


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
I now have all aspects of my HS-34/D-100 coupled to my G-430W and My TT Digiflight II VSG and working.

The wiring was fairly straight forward, but I struggled with configuration.  That is mostly my fault, not a Dynon problem.  

It now all works as advertised  Incredible!!!!  

I fly lots of actual IFR including an ILS to 200 & 3/4 this morning.  

The last step is to upgrade my TT to a VSVG so it will track the GPS vertical nav and hook up my Garmin 396 to the serial input line so I can have a second GPS source,    

I have flown with the serial connection to the HSI for some time, and that was nice, but the HS-34 takes it to a whole new level.  This unit now compares with some really expensive certified units.

The GPS leads the autopilot and the HSI all the way thru the procedure turn, keeps adjusting the course line as needed, and joins the Localizer.  Once established inbound I changed the Source to NAV to display LOC/GS info and you are all set.  Nothing to it.  I still have a G-106 indicator in the panel, but I can easily imagine removing it soon.  It no longer serves a useful purpose.

My G-430 seems to stop sending  ARINC-429 steering commands from the Marker inbound to the Autopilot.  Has anyone else seen this?

Until the Dynon outputs a -429 signal to the TT A/P I guess I'm stuck flying GPS approaches with the A/P  (Not so subtle Hint)

Thanks again for another great product!

Doug Rozendaal
F-1 EVO Rocket    


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
My G-430 seems to stop sending  ARINC-429 steering commands from the Marker inbound to the Autopilot.  Has anyone else seen this?

Doug Rozendaal
F-1 EVO Rocket    

Check out page 109 & 110 in the 430 Pilots guide. The unit automatically suspends at the MAP and waits for you to trigger the missed. This disconnects the autopilot during this time.


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
Mine seems to disconnect the GPS -429 steering at the Outer Marker, the final approach fix, not the missed app point.



New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Mine seems to disconnect the GPS -429 steering at the Outer Marker, the final approach fix, not the missed app point.


Sorry,  I just assumed you meant the middle marker in your original post.

And I see you are talking about localizer based approaches.

I do not think the AP you are using can do this as well as I do not think the 430 outputs GPSS commands once it switches to VLOC mode. The 430 install manual tells you to test that the GPSS commands are disabled once the VLOC becomes active. I am pretty sure you have to have a AP that supports NAV not just GPSNAV.