HSI ease of use- your experience


New Member
Jan 1, 2007
Is the HSI page practical enough to use as the only DG/CDI on the panel? I have some concern about using menus to change things rather than turning knobs. How does the procedure for moving the heading bug to a new heading on the Dynon HSI compare with the procedure of twisting a knob on a traditional HSI, for example? Can it be done quickly without thinking or does it require some conscious attention to menus and submenus?

I am planning a panel in a Tecnam Bravo LSA I have ordered and I plan to go all Dynon to save weight and, well, because it's cool.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
In the planes I fly on my job, having traditional HDG bugs, the procedure is to twist it to the new HDG just before or when initiating the turn. On my private little baby - which is Dynon equpied - I make it slightely different, as I don't like to toggle switches: I turn the aircraft to the new heading and do then, by pushing the HDG bug twice, synchronize it to the new HDG. This is fast and easy.

However, selecting the HSI CDI is as you are used to, as it is twisted on the SL30. All over it, flying with the Dynons is easy and fun. You will love it.

Best regards

Thomas ;)