internal battery dead


New Member
Dec 22, 2006
My D-10A EFIS is serial number 003339.    

I am just now getting to the avionics installation.  I had powered it up to test it when I got it, then put it away.   I thought perhaps the internal battery just needed charging, but after powering it up for a few hours from an external battery & charger source, the voltage display still says  "primary=14v, secondary=0v, internal=0v", or words to that effect.  The EFIS doesn't do anything if I try to power it up without an external power source.

I definitely ordered it with the internal battery, and there is a battery inside it, but it seems to be dead.  Is there a way to resurrect this battery, or get it replaced?   The EFIS has never been used or installed.



New Member
Dec 2, 2005
I have a D 180 and I had the same problem. if you disconnect then re connect the power to the unit, keep alive and external 12 v battery power, or do a, firmware detect, using your laptop and the serial port, the battery will start to take a charge when the master is switched on. it seems that once the internal battery drops below a certain voltage, the unit no longer sees it and assumes it is not installed. I still have this problem if I leave the keep alive power wired to the unit. with keep alive attached, it seems that the internal battery actually drains or in some other manner makes the unit drain the battery and stops recognizing it. the good news is that even without the keep alive wired in. just flying the airplane at least a couple of hours a month seems t keep the internal battery charged.

Lou Pappas
Phoenix, AZ
Waiex 31
The Fastest Waiex on the Planet