Magnetic or Electric interference


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
Gooood Morning or Goood Evening,

I use a D-100 on my Rans Coyote S6 with a lot of pleasure since 200 hours. Thank you for this very good product.

The only problem I have, is a magnetic or electric perturbation on my screen when I use the PTT to transmit (the radio is a Garmin SL30).

The screen of the Dynon became crasy. I have a lot of different perturbation like: Screen changing like if I push on the left button to show the menu, the compas change is heading more than 180°, sometime I have to switch of and swich on the D-100. Most of the time everything became normal at the time I stop transmiting.

The remote compas is installed at the end of the tail. The antenna is install below the plane on a aluminium plate riveting to the structure of the tailcone.

Do you have a solution.

Thank you for your help.

Patrick from Belgium (country of Jacques Brel)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
From what you've said, it sounds like your antenna (or the wires going to it) and remote compass might be interacting in some undesired ways. First, make sure you're running the latest firmware version available on our website here.

Also, if the wiring to your remote compass is running along with your antenna wiring, you may try separating them.


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
I run the latest firmware version 3.0 since 2 weeks without solving the problem.

The only place where the wiring of the remote compas is close from the antenna wiring is behind the dashboard and it will be difficult to change that because the space.

When I transmit I, do not have only a compas deviation (more than 180°) but the screen modification like: Sometime showing the menu of the D100 (after transmitting I have to hide manually the menu) OR notify me a ack message in red (I have to hide manually after transmitting) OR, but it's quite rare, vibration of the line composing the HSI. In this last case stopping the transmitting doesn't solve the problem and I have to restart the D100.

Thank you for your help and sorry for my poor English.
Mar 23, 2005
Slt Patrick,

I have a D10A and an EMS D10 as well as the SL-30 and no issues at all.

There are a few things you can do to try out, does your D100 has an intrenal battery? If yes, remove your DB 25 at all and run it from the internal battery only and report back please.



BTW your English is very good and understandeable!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
This is sounding like heavy RF interference, which can cause fairly unpredictable effects in electronics. The solution is going to ultimately involve isolating the RF output of the radio a bit better.

Which menu or error message do you see after transmitting?


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
Thank you Werner I have a internal battery, I will disconect the DB25.

I also try to isolate my RF line with aluminium paper and I give you the feedback next time I fly. I will give you more details about the screen error.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Also note that radios use a fair amount of power while transmitting. If the particular power wire that feeds your radio is also split to your EFIS, and it's not robust enough, keying the transmit button might be causing enough of a voltage drop to affect the EFIS.

Also, do you have your SL30 hooked up to your EFIS? I wonder if there is something going on with that connection.


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
No my SL 30 is not hooked up to the Dynon. The D100 is succesfuly connected to my Garmin 296.

The dynon and the SL 30 are connected to a different circuit protected each by a individual fuse.

I hope to fly after tomorrow. I will first switch off the external power of the Dynon like suggested by Werner.

Thank you for your help.


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
Hi again,

The weather was good today in Belgium for flying. I made some test today and you will fine the result below.

1 - First of all, I modify the passage of the wire who go to the remote compas. Now, the wire who goes to the antenna is completly separate from the wire who goes to the remote compas (located at the end of the tailcone). The minimum distance between them is 5 inch in a place where they have to cross each one.

2 - When I push the PTT to transmit after 2 second I received the ack message "Remote compas not detected". The result is the same if the D100 run with or without external power.

3 - Once pushing the PTT for about 7 second the compas disappeared completly from the screen and I have to restard the D-100.

4 - It seam that the worth case is when I push the PTT without speaking. It's better when I speak on the mike.

Thank you for your help.


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Is it possible that some problem with the coax cable to the antenna could cause it to leak RF energy that is causing the problem with the EFIS?  Perhaps there is a bad connector, or maybe the shield is damaged, or not properly attached to the connector.  Would it be worth trying with a fresh piece of coax?


New Member
Jul 31, 2005
I have a Glasair with an SL30 and GX 60 hooked to two internal bob archer antennas. Initially, when I transmitted it would make my d10a give a Remote compass not detected and the screen go gray like the old attitude indeterminate message. It would not find the compass again unless I restarted the unit. I seperated my coaxs and checked all my shields and a bunch of stuff. Nothing worked. I ended up moving my remote compass to a different location. It worked ok after I moved it from below my elevator pushtube. Later I started using my trutrak autopilot more and I found sometimes it would pitch up drastically when I transmitted on the gx60. I swapped antennas from the sl30 to the gx60 and again moved coaxs and nothing worked. I installed a dipole? antenna in a different location, as far away from the other. There is limited space for two internal antennas.

Sorry to be so long winded but I tried a lot of stuff to fix it. This cured the problem somewhat. I transmit only on the sl30 when the autopilot is engaged. If I use the gx60 the autopilot will pitch up. When I change antennas between the radios I have problems with either radio.

I had multiple problems but I think the two major ones were the antennas transmitting into the elevator pushtube, and/or the two antennas being to close and transmitting into the other one, maybe bouncing around. Don't know which one really fixed it, but good luck.



New Member
Dec 25, 2006
Did anybody try to clean the power and ground wires with ferrite ferules and or capacitors? A transmitter could put a lot of dirt on those lines. An antenna inside would also nicely radiate into every wire around. Also missing from the list of remedies is checking the antenne with an SWR meter. Is the screen of the remote compass cable only grounded at one point?


Jos Okhuijsen


New Member
Jan 12, 2007
I solve the problem today,

At a moment, the wire who goes to the remote compas cross the wire from the antenna (with 5 inch between them). Moving the cable from the remote compas in different position, I finally fine a place where there is no more interference. I was very surprise because the remote compas wire is still at 5 inch from the antenna cable, but in a different position. The influence of the position of the wire is very sensitive.

Thany you everybody for your help, and thank you Dynon for this great product.